Leadership Blogs Every Person Under 30 Should Read

by / ⠀Blog Career Advice Entrepreneurship / January 3, 2019

Leaders aren’t born, they’re made. Whether it’s coaching, taking professional development courses or made through experiences, leaders should take plenty of opportunities to strengthen their skills. Leaders need to continue on a path of growth as individuals and professionals. One of the most effective ways to become a stronger leader is by reading management and leadership blogs from the people who have the experience and knowledge to become influential teachers and practitioners.

When you’re under 30, not just any leadership blog will do.

You need blogs that can relate to your specific challenges. Whether that’s defining your exact leadership style, handling distinct daily challenges, or determining your “why,” here are 13 leadership blogs that everyone under 30 should read.


Founded in 2008, the mission of Under30CEO is to help every young entrepreneur on the planet by helping them find their passion and start businesses that are both lucrative and have a social consciousness. If that sounds, ambitious, it is. But, thanks to daily blog posts that discuss career and leadership advice, cutting-edge news for young leaders, and advice from successful twenty-somethings, that mission seems more attainable. There’s also an accompanying podcast and advice for leaders who are in their 30s and older.

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Thin Difference

Jon Mertz and his colleagues use their blog to not only strengthen and inspire leaders, but also by bringing together various generations by sharing experiences, practices, and insights. The blog also welcomes civil and diverse conversations to help solve common problems that leaders at any age are dealing with.

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Harvard Business Publishing’s Leading The Way

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Whether you’re a frontline or senior leader, you can find ideas and insights from a variety of members of Harvard Business School’s faculty, along with some of the most accomplished authors from the Harvard Business Review. Don’t forget to sign-up for their Management Tip of the Day so that you’ll receive one actionable way to become a better manager directly to your inbox.

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Michael Hyatt

This is the personal blog of the New York Times bestseller “Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World” and former Chairman and CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers. Hyatt focuses primarily on topics ranging from productivity to personal development to leadership. He also hosts a weekly podcast called “Lead to Win.”

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Ask a Manager

Started by Alison Green while she was the chief of staff at a nonprofit, Ask a Manager isn’t your run-of-the-mill blog. Instead just simply writing about her experiences or offering advice, Alison invites readers to ask her questions regarding anything from how to ask for a raise to dealing with an unruly co-worker. She also answers real-world questions for anyone who is having difficulty being a boss.

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Jen Carrington

Jen is a creative coach from the U.K. who specializes in helping people make space to become who they’re meant to be. She helps you identify your strengths and values, tap into your best ideas, and find clarity and focus. On top of her blog, Jen also has a podcast, mini books, and classes to run a big-hearted business and live a creative life.

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This site, which was founded in 2013 by Nicole Booz and Gina Oursler, is specifically geared towards helping twenty-somethings define their goals, find their passion, and learn how to “adult” through the real-world experiences of twenty-somethings. It’s definitely more than just a leadership blog that covers a wide range of topics that are essential for twenty-somethings to be aware of.

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Simon Sinek

Back in 2009, Simon Sinek delivered his first TED Talk that popularized his mantra, Start With Why. That TED Talk became the third most watched video on TED.com and Simon is now a best-selling author known for Start With Why and Leaders Eat Last. He also has an entire site dedicated to optimistic leaders helping individuals and organizations find their why.

While not a blog, Simon’s site contains videos, tools, and discovery courses to become inspired and change the world.  

Leadership Freak

Launched in 2010 by Dan Rockwell, who has appeared on the Inc.com list of the Top Fifty Leadership and Management Experts, Leadership Freak contains blog posts that are short and to-the-point. Most of these posts are around 300 words, hence the site’s slogan, “empowering leaders 300 words at a time.”

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Center for Creative Leadership

The Center for Creative Leadership is known for invaluable resources like tools for assessing job candidates and leadership development courses. The CCL also has a blog that tackles topics on how you can personally grow as a leader to how you can improve your organization based on the research that they’ve conducted.

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Founded in 1980 by Michael McKinney to study what he “was learning about leadership, management, and personal development.” LeadershipNow is now the go-to resource for leaders in all stages and fields. The blog contains everything from leadership advice to thought-provoking exercises, to book reviews.

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Lolly Daskal

Lolly Daskal is a renowned coach, consultant, and top thought leader best-known for her mantra “Lead From Within.” Thanks to Lolly, leaders have been able to achieve and prosper through service and integrity. Daskal also encourages leaders to develop fresh ideas and stresses the importance of teamwork.

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Tanveer Naseer

Tanveer Naseer is an award-winning and prolific leadership writer and keynote speaker. His well-designed blog features leadership advice and guidance, along with book reviews and news. Naseer primarily focuses on how to improve communication processes so that you can listen to what others are saying and be able to motivate your employees.

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About The Author

Kimberly Zhang

Editor in Chief of Under30CEO. I have a passion for helping educate the next generation of leaders. MBA from Graduate School of Business. Former tech startup founder. Regular speaker at entrepreneurship conferences and events.


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