Actionable Insights: Collect Them to Transform the Employee Experience

by / ⠀Startup Advice / January 17, 2022
Collecting actionable insights offers the key to the transformation of any workplace for increased commitment...and increased profitability.

A culture that’s versatile and inclusive, where everyone feels seen and heard, and where leaders set a good example, can provide employees with a sense of fulfillment, inspiration, and motivation to aim higher. Collecting actionable insights offers the key to transformation.

Employee experience means putting on employees’ glasses and understanding their experiences in the workplace from the first job interview and through various milestones in their careers. By creating insight and understanding, one can develop a strategy for the employee experience. You can begin to create conditions for increased commitment and increased profitability.

These strategies include everything from the physical work environment to the digital tools used to enable productive work.

This means that businesses must collaborate effectively with all departments, like IT, marketing, etc., in order to provide a consistent experience for employees. In addition, they must look for ways to measure the level of satisfaction among employees. After that, they must make the needed changes or improvements in the work environment.

In this article, we look at some of the ways of collecting actionable employee insights to transform the employee experience.

Use Engagement Tools

The employee engagement level in the workplace correlates to the level of joy, commitment, and motivation employees feel. Employee engagement plays an important factor that determines the success of your organization and the satisfaction employees feel while performing their work obligations and tasks.

Sadly, engagement has shown to be at an all-time low with only 36 percent of employees being engaged in the workplace. If you’re striving for a higher number at your company, an employee engagement tool might be just the right solution for you.

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A reliable option, such as the Voice of Employee engagement tool has the power to make your workforce be heard. It provides features that encourage employee feedback, gather it, and help you as a leader make actionable insights and improvements based on that feedback.

This is the best way of transforming the employee experience and identifying any existing issues, and getting to the bottom of them before they become greater concerns for the company.

Conduct Surveys

One of the most common methods of measuring engagement and gathering employee insights is by conducting surveys.

Employee surveys are not only a good idea but a necessity.

By finding out how employees feel, what they think about the corporate environment, and what they need to develop, you create good conditions for motivated, committed, and loyal employees.

The primary focus is often on customers. However, we must not forget that a well-functioning business environment is an important factor for a company’s success.

Design survey questions in different ways depending on what the company wants to know. Depending on your purpose, you can do different types of employee surveys.

“Pulse” Surveys

Instead of lengthy forms, consider using brief (or “pulse”) surveys. Send your employees a set of simple, unambiguous questions. Design your surveys to get quick answers to these simple questions. Send these mini-surveys out several times a year.

With pulse surveys, as a business owner, you can quickly identify basic issues that your employees are experiencing. It’s a perfect solution for those who want continuous feedback from their staff.

Employee Surveys

An employee survey is often longer than a pulse survey. Send these out only once or twice a year. A mixture of lighter and more in-depth questions is involved, which makes the survey more comprehensive.

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The idea of an employee survey is to get an overall picture of how your employees feel. How well do they thrive in the workplace? In these, it should also be possible for them to elaborate their answers with the help of follow-up questions.

“Stay Interviews” Can Result In Fewer Exit Interviews

Communication is a basic prerequisite and critical skill for any organization to be able to function and develop.

This is why it’s indispensable for a company to know how to communicate clearly and effectively with its employees. Exit interviews are common in many organizations, but the so-called “stay interviews” should be used more frequently.

These employee interviews are useful. They provide a surprising level of insight into what is needed for employees to stay. Such “stay interviews” give the company useful information. They help them identify problems and correct them before an employee chooses to leave the company.

Final Thoughts

Employee wellbeing and motivation affect the development and results of a business. This is true now more than ever.

To be an attractive employer from an employee perspective, it’s of great importance that the organization is aware of how the employees experience the employer and the work environment.

In conclusion, by collecting actionable employee insights, conditions are provided for the organization to improve its position as an attractive workplace, retain top talent and attract new ambitious people.

About The Author

Kimberly Zhang

Editor in Chief of Under30CEO. I have a passion for helping educate the next generation of leaders. MBA from Graduate School of Business. Former tech startup founder. Regular speaker at entrepreneurship conferences and events.


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