How to Deescalate an Angry Customer – 8 Practical Tips

by / ⠀Career Advice / October 31, 2022
how to deescalate an angry customer

There’s nothing worse than handling an angry customer, is there? Especially when it’s your fault. No worries, though, because you can do a few simple things to de-escalate the situation and restore customer satisfaction. In this blog post, we’ll outline 8 practical tips that will help you deescalate an angry customer calmly and respectfully.

By following these highly effective tips, you’ll be able to ensure that the customer feels heard and understood while also preventing any bad rep for your company. So let’s get started!

8 Effective Tips on How to Deescalate an Angry Customer

Listen to the customer and show empathy

At the start of any conversation, be respectful and listen attentively. Try to put yourself in their shoes to see what they’re trying to say.

Show that you’re interested in understanding their problem and that you want to help. Be patient – even if it takes a little longer than usual, ultimately, it’ll pay off in terms of customer satisfaction (and your reputation!).

Stay Calm and avoid arguments, defensiveness, and blame

It’s definitely not a walk in the park to deal with angry and sometimes hostile customers, but with some proactive preparation and practice, it can be manageable. When encountering an angry customer, it’s important to remain calm and not react defensively.

Instead, try to understand the customer’s perspective and frame the issue so they can understand and respond to it positively. Avoid saying things like “no, you’re wrong” or “I am positive our product/service can’t be bad.”

Instead, try empathetic responses like “I see how you might feel that way” or “It sounds like you’re really upset about this.”

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Remember, it’s important not to attack the customer – this only worsens the situation. Finally, try to keep your tone neutral – avoiding sarcasm and attacking the customer’s intelligence will only make them angry.

Don’t do anything that may frustrate them, like putting them on hold or interrupting

When it comes to angry customers, it’s important to tread lightly. That’s why it’s important to know how to de-escalate an angry customer. Here are some pointers to remember:

  • When it comes to angry customers, don’t do anything that may frustrate them, like putting them on hold or interrupting their conversation.
  • Instead, try to be understanding and patient while trying to address the issue at hand.
  • Wait for the customer to finish their rant before responding.
  • Avoid making assumptions or giving unsolicited advice.
  • Let them know that you are aware of the situation and will take care of it.
  • Thank the customer for bringing the issue to your attention.

Work towards a solution

It can be difficult to de-escalate an angry customer, but it can be done with a few practical tips. Giving the customer a solution rather than an explanation is the first step. If you can’t solve the problem, recommend a mutually agreeable solution.

This means meeting them halfway and trying to understand where they’re coming from before responding. If apologies are necessary, take steps to rectify the situation as soon as possible.

Remain calm and avoid attacks or insulting remarks – this will only make the situation worse. If necessary, escalate the conversation to a higher authority if you still can’t find a resolution. With a bit of effort, de-escalating an angry customer can be a breeze!

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Don’t make promises you cannot keep

First and foremost, don’t make promises you cannot keep. This will likely backfire and only lead to further frustration on both sides of the equation.

Additionally, never give in to threats or ultimatums – these tactics only serve to aggravate the situation further!

Next, restate your policies in a way that is easy for them to understand and remember. This way, the customer knows where you are coming from, and they are more likely to comply with your requests.

Follow up with the customer after deescalation has been achieved

Following up after de-escalation has been achieved is vital. This way, you can ensure that the customer is satisfied and that any other concerns or questions may be addressed.

Additionally, it’s important to thank them for their patience and apologize for any inconvenience caused. In the end, being understanding and polite can go a long way in managing difficult customer interactions.

Don’t take anything they say personally – it’s just a job

It can be tough when a customer gets angry with you but don’t take it personally. It’s just a job! In most cases, the customer is just venting their anger and frustration in the best way they know.

Just do your best to calm them down and solve their issues but remember, their anger and frustration are not directed at you. It’s arising from the bad product or service they got.

Parting Words

Just like with any business relationship, you will also have to act calmly and assertively to deescalate an angry customer. While doing so, you can also show the client that you are sympathetic and understanding of their problems.

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In some cases, the best thing to be done is just to satisfy the customer’s needs. Moreover, don’t forget to refer them for additional assistance if they ask for it.

About The Author


Taha Khan is a professional content writer by trade. He is a business administration graduate with a focus and interest in marketing and entrepreneurship. Khan has been working as a content writer for several years and has collaborated with 100+ businesses on their content marketing projects. When not writing, he is probably reading – mostly going through psychology and philosophy books. And when Khan is not reading, he is gaming on his PC – another hobby mostly associated with introverts.


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