What the Silicon Valley Bank Collapse Could Mean for Business Owners

by / ⠀Blog / April 6, 2023
What the Silicon Valley Bank Collapse Could Mean for Business Owners

Imagine if someone told you weeks ago that one of the most stable banks in the United States, Silicon Valley Bank, would suddenly collapse. What if they told you it would leave thousands of businesses wondering about their hard-earned dollars?

You would probably laugh it off as an early April Fool’s joke or a wild conspiracy theory. But lo and behold, here we are, witnessing the impact of the bank’s failure. Now we try to understand what it means for business owners like you and me.

What Went Down with Silicon Valley Bank:

In the heart of the thriving tech ecosystem, ideas morph into unicorns, and wealth multiplies at a near-virtual pace. The Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) positioned itself as the trusted partner for ambitious startups and daring investors. From Pinterest, Inc. to Shopify, Inc., and even CrowdStrike Holdings, Inc., SVB had staked its claim in the fertile lands of innovation-driven finance.

However, even the brightest stars can fade. This giant would soon experience a cataclysmic collapse that sent shockwaves throughout the market.

This first began when the 16th largest bank in the United States found itself ensnared in a precarious situation. The bank’s parent company’s share price plummeted an unprecedented 60% on a fateful Thursday.

Like a house of cards trembling amidst a brewing tempest, trading for SVB Financial Group’s stock was suspended early on Friday to contain the chaos unfolding within.

Downward Spiral:

In a desperate bid to stabilize its teetering balance sheet, SVB had previously launched a share sale, which ultimately backfired as it triggered a run on deposits. So began a downward spiral. This saw SVB raise $2.25 billion in share sales while simultaneously offloading $21 billion worth of securities from its portfolio.

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Brian O’Connor is a seasoned business analyst with Deloitte lineage. He had speculated about one of the bank’s ambitious acquisitions. This acquisition was $80 billion in mortgage-backed securities last year laid the groundwork for this unraveling. SVB found itself awash with deposits – peaking at $198 billion – during the 2021 funding boom. Then it aggressively invested in bonds amid an era of low-interest rates.

It was an unforeseen storm of financial misfortune. SVB’s balance sheet at the end of 2022 reflected its heavy investment in securities ($91.3 billion). On the other hand, its total assets and deposits stood at $209 billion and $175.4 billion, respectively.

Suddenly the US government adjusted its interest rates. This left the once-mighty SVB floundering in an unforgiving sea of uncertainty.

Reevaluating Risk Management:

As business owners, we need to accept that black swan events like the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank will continue to happen – it’s part of the natural cycle of things.

We cannot solely be focusing on our short-term goals. We need to consider all of the risks our businesses face. There are always external factors such as market shifts or unexpected events like bank failures.

We need to ensure that our businesses are not reliant on a single financial institution or source of funding.

Additionally, creating a thorough financial contingency plan for such eventualities will go a long way in ensuring we don’t end up in a financial quagmire when faced with unforeseen circumstances.

A New Kind of Bank on the Horizon:

It’s plausible that the Silicon Valley Bank collapse will pave the way for a new type of banking model to emerge. Business owners and individuals alike might be more open to banks that offer better transparency, lower risks, and more accountability.

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Banks leveraging smart contracts, blockchain technology, or even decentralized finance could provide an alternative to traditional banking systems.

Return to Bootstrapping:

The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank should also serve as a reminder for entrepreneurs that the days of raising massive amounts of capital without generating substantial value may be numbered.

Business owners should focus on creating sustainable growth while minimizing their burn rates instead of relying on huge cash reserves or outside investments.

Transformative Impact on Venture Capital:

There’s a good chance that the collapse will have far-reaching consequences for venture capital investments.

The entire industry might see a fundamental shift in how startups are funded and how much weight is put on profitability and sustainable growth.

Parting Words:

The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank serves as a reminder. Nothing is truly set in stone in the world of business.

Entrepreneurs must learn from this event and ensure they take the necessary precautions to mitigate risks posed by unforeseen circumstances.

And in doing so, not only will they secure their businesses against possible black swan events but will also contribute towards building a more robust, diverse, and resilient economy for future generations.

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