Fastest Growing Franchises: Where to Invest Your Money

by / ⠀Entrepreneurship Featured / February 13, 2024
fastest growing franchises

Welcome to our exploration of the fastest-growing franchises, a sector carving out significant space in the U.S. economy. With franchise establishments burgeoning to nearly 800,000 in 2022, contributing a substantial 3% to the GDP, it’s clear that franchising is not just a business model but a driving force of economic momentum. For entrepreneurs eyeing the franchise world, the promise of this market is hard to ignore.

As we venture through this article, we’ll unravel where savvy investors should focus. You’ll discover which entrepreneur franchise opportunities are ripening for the picking, from fast food giants pacing ahead to emergent names in the fitness realm, the transformative nature of innovative education franchises, and the robust growth within the retail and service sectors. Each sector provides a unique vantage point on strategies for investment and growth, catering to those determined to make an informed and reasonable entry into the franchising domain. Choosing the right one to help you reach your goals isn’t necessarily easy, but having plenty to choose from means there’s most likely something for you out there.

Top Fast Food Franchises

Turning the spotlight to the bustling boulevards of the fast food industry, it’s clear why these franchises remain a cornerstone for entrepreneurial investment. Globally recognized brands continue to flourish due to their consistent quality, efficiency, and adept adaptation to consumer trends. Several fast-food juggernauts stand out in the domain of the fastest-growing franchises, attracting investors with their proven track records and innovative approaches.

One can’t mention fast food franchising without tipping the hat to the golden arches of McDonald’s. Securing its reign with its timeless menu and through constant reinvention and digital enhancements, McDonald’s offers a franchise opportunity that’s as much about heritage as it is about progressive innovation. Alongside, Subway continues to carve its path through the health-conscious crowd, offering customization and convenience. Let’s break down some of the top players:

  • McDonald’s: A titan of fast food franchising known for its consistent quality and global appeal, it maintains an enduring allure for franchise investors.
  • Subway: Stands out in the fast food landscape with its health-forward options and customizable sandwiches, catering to a diverse customer base.
  • Dunkin’: The rebrand from “Dunkin’ Donuts” to simply “Dunkin'” reflects its expansion beyond breakfast fare, offering versatility to franchisees.
  • Taco Bell: A champion in leveraging social media and creating a cult-like following, Taco Bell keeps evolving, driving growth through creative menu items.

Investing in these franchises demands recognition of their brand resilience and agility in fluctuating market trends. As we discuss the fastest-growing franchises, the adaptability of these fast-food leaders to consumer preferences and technological advancements is an exemplary blueprint for success.

I must underscore the importance for investors within the entrepreneur franchise space to critically evaluate these opportunities. While the allure of these successful brands is unavoidable, it’s also essential to deep dive into the economic forecasts, competitive landscape, and long-term growth potential these fast food franchises present. For instance, an analysis of the current market trends in franchising indicates that shifting dietary preferences and the rise of plant-based options are significant factors driving the industry forward.

Investing in a fast food franchise can be a lucrative prospect—if done wisely. These franchises require understanding strategic market positioning and a clear assessment of the brand’s ability to innovate and adapt. Their growth adds credence to their staying power and offers a robust platform for ambitious entrepreneurs to build upon.

Emerging Fitness Franchises

Pivoting to the burgeoning realm of wellness, it’s clear that emerging fitness franchises are locking in their position as strong contenders within the fastest-growing franchises. This surge is fueled by a society embracing fitness as a hobby and a cornerstone of a health-conscious lifestyle. As we delve deeper into entrepreneurship in the fitness industry, the numbers speak volumes, with franchised fitness facilities raking in an impressive $6 billion in revenues, illuminating the robust potential for entrepreneurs seeking promising franchise opportunities.

The landscape is diverse, with each franchise offering its unique blueprint for success. Take, for instance, 30 Minute Hit, a women-only fitness franchise. It provides a specialized workout in the form of a boxing and kickboxing circuit designed for the modern busy woman. The brand’s clarity in its target demographic and a relatively moderate initial investment starting at $224,000 make it a persuasive case for investors looking to empower women through fitness – a reflection of conscientious brand alignment.

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Now, for entrepreneurs discerning the pulse of the industry’s innovation, here are some noteworthy mentions, each a gleaming opportunity in the fitness franchise sector:

  • Alloy Personal Training: Tailors strength-based training sessions with personalized coaching—a resonant offering in the age of customization.
  • Soccer Stars and M14 Hoops: Both franchises ambitiously capture the youth demographic, fostering early fitness habits through engaging sport-focused programs.
  • Beem Light Sauna and Stretch Zone: Illustrate the entrepreneurial franchise trend toward niche wellness, with saunas and unique stretching studios, respectively, leading the charge.
  • GYMGUYZ and The Exercise Coach: They redefine convenience by delivering personalized training services directly to clients’ homes or via tech-driven minimal-equipment routines, epitomizing the demands of a post-pandemic world.

fastest growing franchises

Considering the impressive industry revenue of $30.6 billion, it’s no surprise that these nuanced fitness ventures are gaining traction. Top gym and fitness franchises of 2023, like Anytime Fitness, Planet Fitness, and F45 Training, have carved their niches, proving that a well-executed franchise model can yield significant returns in this sector. Emerging contenders like BODY20 and RockBox Fitness are fastening their grip, redefining fitness routines with innovative approaches like electro-muscle stimulation and high-energy workouts set to music.

As rising stars in the entrepreneur franchise sphere, they speak to the heart of a society increasingly driven by health trends and personal well-being. This identification with lifestyle change propels the industry forward, opening doors for us, as entrepreneurs, to impact communities while driving economic growth. Poised at the juncture of passion and profit, fitness franchises are undoubtedly shaping up to be a compelling chapter in the story of the fastest-growing franchises.

Innovative Education Franchises

Venturing into the realm of innovative education franchises, it’s evident that the sector is responding to the ever-growing need for reskilling and upskilling, especially within the technology workforce. Among the vanguards in this space is Wawiwa Tech, a franchise that specializes in bridging the gap between the tech industry’s demand for skilled professionals and the available workforce. Their blended learning approach, which innovatively combines live and online sessions, positions them as a frontrunner in catering to contemporary educational needs.

Here are some distinguishing features of Wawiwa Tech and other educational franchises carving their niche in the fastest-growing franchises category:

  • Global Adaptability: With established partnerships in various countries, Wawiwa Tech seamlessly adapts to diverse cultural contexts and educational norms, exemplifying global reach and relevance.
  • Franchisee Support: The company offers an extensive support system to its local franchisees, encompassing everything from business planning and market research to operations management and sales, laying the groundwork for success.
  • Market Presence: Recognized institutions like KUMON METHOD LEARNING and SYLVAN LEARNING CENTER, despite low initial investments and reasonable royalty fees, command a strong global presence through their comprehensive educational services.

As we explore the educational franchise landscape further, we encounter a diverse array of specializations that cater to different learning areas:

  • Tutoring Powerhouses: Franchises like Club Z, Tutor Doctor, and Kumon are household names, leading the charge in K-12 tutoring, test prep, and language courses, fortified by significant market demand and brand recognition.
  • Language Learning Specialists: Franchises such as LingoTot, Lango, and Berlitz offer language learning experiences, attracting a broad array of learners with varied initial investments and models.
  • STEM Education Pioneers: Code Wiz, Snapology, and Mathnasium are examples of franchises offering innovative STEM education programs that appeal to current educational trends and demands.
  • Educational Materials Suppliers: Bricks 4 Kidz, The Learning Experience, and Brain Balance Achievement Centers provide essential educational materials that align with the needs of diverse learning environments.
  • Test Prep Experts: Memories of SATs and ACTs are brought to the forefront with franchises like C2 Education, Prepskills, and Huntington Learning Center, focusing on test preparation and certifications.

In a world clamoring for cognitive skills, music and art educational franchises such as Young Rembrandts, Gymboree Play & Music, and School of Rock resonate with those looking to nurture creativity. Concurrently, franchises like TGA Premier Sports, The Little Gym, and Soccer Stars demonstrate an increasing emphasis on physical education, confirming a holistic approach to learning.

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Investing in the education sector is not just a financial decision; it’s contributing to the fabric of society, propelling individuals toward personal and professional betterment. As we navigate through the evolving dynamics of the entrepeneur franchise domain, the fastest-growing franchises in education are those that aptly blend innovation with efficacy—providing adaptable learning solutions for a future that demands nothing less.

fastest growing franchises 1

Retail and Service Sector Surges

In conclusion, our exploration of the fastest-growing franchises has illuminated promising avenues for investors in the realms of fast food, fitness, and education. We have restated the key pillars of brand resilience, market agility, and innovative approaches that characterize these burgeoning sectors. The fast food giants, emergent fitness models, and evolving educational platforms all underscore the intersection of consumer demand and entrepreneurial opportunity, setting the foundation for strategic investment. Home improvement franchises are also becoming in demand. If you’re considering investing in franchises that offer home improvement services, HorsePower Brands can provide invaluable insights to kickstart your venture. Reach out to them to get a clear vision of how to begin.

By now, the significance of selecting the right franchise—considering its economic forecasts, competitive stance, and alignment with societal trends—cannot be overstated. The implications of these findings suggest a compelling potential for substantial impact not only in the world of business but also in shaping community landscapes and individual lifestyles. As we close this discussion, let us reflect on the presented insights as a launching pad for future research and informed action, with the shared goal of propelling forward-thinking and successful franchise ventures.


As I bring our exploration to a close, I’m struck by the indomitable spirit of the franchise industry. With some 790,492 franchise establishments unleashing a formidable economic output of $825.4 billion, it’s undeniable that the franchise model has proven its mettle, cultivating fertile ground for economic growth and individual prosperity. The dizzying array of over 300 categories of products and services reaffirms the franchising sector’s integral role in the U.S. economy, serving as a beacon for entrepreneur franchise opportunities.

Reflecting on the figures, one can’t help but marvel at the resilience of franchises, which have weathered the storm of economic downturns with robust employment opportunities, tax contributions, and community engagement. The pandemic-era success stories, such as Wild Birds Unlimited’s impressive sales increase and the spike in franchise applications, stand as a testament to the potential windfalls the fastest-growing franchises offer investors. Notably, the ability of franchises to foster consumer trust and loyalty by capitalizing on local knowledge is a strategic advantage that enables nuanced market penetration and sustainable growth.

The trajectory we are witnessing suggests an upward trend with ample opportunities for growth and expansion, beckoning aspiring entrepreneurs to seize the moment. From my perspective, joining the network of a burgeoning franchise doesn’t just spell financial gains; it represents a gateway into a vibrant community awash with networking prospects and franchisor-led initiatives designed to bolster success. The future forecasts a burgeoning expansion of franchises in the U.S., with the allure growing for homegrown and international brands eager to tap into this dynamic market.

To all aspiring entrepreneurs venturing into the domain of the fastest-growing franchises, the call to action is clear:

  • Align with franchises that exhibit brand resilience, adaptability, and market agility.
  • Leverage the collective wisdom from franchisor support systems and networking opportunities.
  • Cater to both profit and passion, fostering community while driving economic growth.

These foundational steps, informed by insights and reflections, will steer one toward success within the vibrant landscape of franchise opportunities. Our journey may have reached its end, but for the entrepreneur yearning to make their mark, investing in a growing franchise remains an open invitation to a world of enterprise and innovation.


Embarking on the journey of selecting from the fastest-growing franchises can be a formidable task, entailing a series of critical inquiries to gauge the most aligned investment for your entrepreneur franchise aspirations. When sitting across the table from the franchisor, here’s a compendium of vital questions that should grace the dialogue to ensure you’re making an informed investment:

  • Company Insights: Start by inquiring about the franchisor’s company’s story, values, and vision for the future. Scrutinizing their narrative can provide profound insights into their brand ethos and potential longevity.
  • Fees & Finances: Clarify all financial obligations, including initial fees and ongoing royalties, so there are no surprises down the line. Don’t overlook the importance of having access to the Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD), which details vital financial information about the franchisor.
  • Territory Rights: Discuss whether you’ll have an exclusive territory or if competition with fellow franchisees is a possibility, a factor that could dramatically affect business outcomes.
  • Operational Control: Understand the extent of the franchisor’s control over operational aspects like signage, uniforms, choice of products or vendors, or stipulations surrounding the future sale of the business.
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It’s essential to adopt a multifaceted approach when evaluating a franchise opportunity, bridging the gap between what’s on paper and the lived experience of existing franchise owners. Engage with both current and past franchisees, seeking out their candid narratives to comprehend aspects such as the startup process, training efficacy, and the dynamics of local competition. Here lies an invaluable barometer to the franchise’s supportive promise and operational success in diverse settings.

Inspect every page of the franchise agreement, contrasting it with other franchise offerings to discern whether it dovetails with your financial capabilities and business expectations. Think of due diligence as your business compass; navigate by asking critical questions, scrutinizing the franchise agreement, and anticipating all potential costs on the horizon, including those that may seem secondary yet integral, like insurance and employee benefits.

As my final advice on traversing the terrain of the fastest-growing franchises, I implore you to weigh the franchise’s compatibility with your passion and interest alongside the practicalities of the investment. Leverage tools like online quizzes and directories to compare options and make a choice that resonates not only with your wallet but also with your entrepreneurial spirit and core values. The magic happens when your fervor for the industry aligns with a franchise that offers support, direction, and an established client base, ultimately minimizing the risks and amplifying the returns on your investment.

1. Why are franchises considered a driving force in the U.S. economy?

Franchises contribute significantly to the U.S. economy, with nearly 800,000 establishments and a 3% GDP share in 2022. They provide employment opportunities, tax contributions, and community engagement, making them integral to economic growth.

2. What sectors are experiencing rapid growth in franchising?

Several franchising sectors are witnessing rapid growth, including fast food, fitness, education, retail, and services. Each sector presents unique opportunities for entrepreneurs seeking to invest in the franchise market.

3. What factors contribute to the success of fast food franchises like McDonald’s and Subway?

Fast food franchises like McDonald’s and Subway thrive due to their consistent quality, global appeal, innovation, and adaptation to consumer trends. Investors should recognize their brand resilience and agility as key elements of success.

4. What distinguishes emerging fitness franchises in the fastest-growing franchises category?

Emerging fitness franchises cater to the growing demand for health-conscious lifestyles. They offer innovative approaches, niche services, and personalized experiences, appealing to a diverse customer base and driving sector growth.

5. How do educational franchises contribute to societal needs and economic growth?

Educational franchises address the increasing demand for reskilling and upskilling in technology, tutoring, languages, STEM education, and test preparation. They provide adaptable learning solutions, contribute to individual betterment, and drive economic growth by preparing individuals for the workforce.

6. What should investors consider when selecting a franchise to invest in?

Investors should evaluate franchises based on economic forecasts, competitive positioning, alignment with societal trends, brand resilience, adaptability, and market agility. Conducting thorough research and due diligence before making investment decisions is crucial.

7. How can aspiring entrepreneurs leverage franchisor support systems and networking opportunities?

Aspiring entrepreneurs can benefit from franchisor support systems, which guide business planning, market research, operations management, and sales. Networking opportunities within franchise communities offer valuable insights and connections for success.

8. What steps can entrepreneurs take to ensure success within the franchise landscape?

Entrepreneurs should align with franchises that exhibit brand resilience, adaptability, and market agility. They should leverage franchisor support systems, cater to profit and passion and foster a sense of community while driving economic growth.

About The Author

Kimberly Zhang

Editor in Chief of Under30CEO. I have a passion for helping educate the next generation of leaders. MBA from Graduate School of Business. Former tech startup founder. Regular speaker at entrepreneurship conferences and events.


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