Add a Secondary Axis in Excel

by / ⠀ / March 11, 2024


Adding a Secondary Axis in Excel is a feature that allows users to present two types of data on two different axes on the same graph. This is particularly useful when the data ranges vastly differ from each other or measuring different types of quantities. The secondary axis effectively provides another dimension to the chart, enabling more insightful analysis and interpretation of complex data.

Key Takeaways

  1. Adding a Secondary Axis in Excel allows you to compare different types of data in one graph, since two data series can have very different scales but can be graphically represented together.
  2. The Secondary Axis function in Excel is crucial when dealing with data that is not directly comparable due to its scale differences, it helps to provide a clearer and more comprehensive understanding of complex data scenarios.
  3. The procedure to add a Secondary Axis in Excel involves selecting the data you want to present on this axis, then accessing the Format Data Series options and selecting Secondary Axis. It’s an important key operation when handling multiple data sets in finance, business analytics, project management, etc.


The finance term “Add a Secondary Axis in Excel” is important because it allows for better visualization of data that may not otherwise be easily comparable.

In financial data analysis, there might be different data types with ranges that greatly vary.

Adding a secondary axis in Excel enables us to plot these distinct datasets together on a similar scale, thereby allowing for easier interpretation and analysis.

This Excel feature offers a straightforward and efficient way to represent complex financial data, and thus better understand the correlations or disparities between different financial parameters represented.

This improved clarity aids in better decision-making and strategy formulation in financial management.


Adding a secondary axis in Excel is an important function used primarily when individuals want to visualize two data sets with different scales of measurement. It ensures that the correlation or comparison between distinct data groups, whose magnitude may vastly differ, is not misrepresented or skewed when graphed together.

By creating a secondary vertical axis on the right (or horizontal at the top), it becomes possible to create a combination chart that simultaneously illustrates two sets of data that have separate scales, ensuring both sets are accurately portrayed and easily understood. The use of a secondary axis is primarily to improve readability and comprehension of charts or graphs.

Important business decisions are often based on the analysis of such visuals; thus, it is imperative to represent the data accurately. This could include presenting financial data like revenue and profit margins, where revenue might be in the millions and margins in percentage points.

Similarly, in a marketing analysis scenario, the volume of products sold and their respective profit margins could be graphed using a secondary axis. Therefore, Excel’s secondary axis feature proves essential in many different areas where diverse sets of data need to be compared and analyzed simultaneously.

Examples of Add a Secondary Axis in Excel

Sales and Profit Analysis: In an organizational setting, where a large sales dataset is maintained, one might add a secondary axis in Excel to compare two related metrics – sales and profit. Sales, being a larger value, can be maintained on the primary axis and the profit, typically a smaller value, on the secondary axis. This simplifies data comparison and aids in making strategic decisions.

Marketing Budget vs Engagement: A business might maintain an excel sheet where they record their marketing budget for different marketing channels alongside the customer engagement numbers. The marketing budget might be in thousands, and the engagement count might be in millions. In this scenario, adding a secondary axis would help compare the relatively small marketing budget to the large engagement numbers.

Stock Market Analysis: Stock analysts may use Excel to compare the stock prices (in dollars) of two different companies over a period of time. One company’s stock price could be represented on the primary vertical axis, while the other company’s stock price is put on the secondary vertical axis. By doing this, similarities and differences in the stocks’ movements over time can be clearly seen, even if the actual stock prices differ greatly.

FAQs on How to Add a Secondary Axis in Excel

1. What is a Secondary Axis in Excel?

A Secondary Axis in Excel is a feature that allows users to plot two different data series with two distinct scales, all within the same chart. This is often used in scenarios where the data ranges greatly differ from each other and may not be comprehensible when plotted on a single scale or axis.

2. How do you add a secondary axis in Excel?

To add a secondary axis in Excel, you would first create a basic chart featuring two data sets. Then, right click the data series that you want to appear on the secondary axis and click on “Format Data Series”. Next, choose “Secondary Axis” from the options. The selected data series will now appear on the secondary axis.

3. Can I use a secondary axis with any type of chart in Excel?

Typically, the secondary axis feature is used with the column (vertical bar), bar (horizontal bar), or line chart types. These chart types are best suited for showcasing contrasting ranges in the data series. Other chart types may not support the ability to add a secondary axis.

4. Can I customize the display of my secondary axis in Excel?

Yes, Excel allows you to customize both your primary and secondary axes. You can adjust the scale, change the axis title, modify the number format, change the units, and much more. This can be accessed through the “Format Axis” options after you have added your secondary axis.

5. What if my secondary axis isn’t showing in my Excel chart?

If your secondary axis isn’t showing, ensure that you’ve selected an appropriate chart type that supports a secondary axis (usually column, bar, or line). Also, verify that you’ve correctly designated a data series to appear on the secondary axis by checking the format of your data series.

Related Entrepreneurship Terms

  • Chart Elements in Excel
  • Data Series in Excel
  • Line Charts in Excel
  • Scatter Plots in Excel
  • Data Visualization in Excel

Sources for More Information

Sure, given below are four reliable sources for information on how to add a secondary axis in Excel:

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