Alternative Hypothesis

by / ⠀ / March 11, 2024


In finance, the term “Alternative Hypothesis” refers to a statement that contradicts the null hypothesis in statistical testing. It suggests that there will be a significant difference or relationship between two variables under study. The validity of the alternative hypothesis is tested through statistical methods.

Key Takeaways

  1. The Alternative Hypothesis refers to a statement about the parameters of a certain statistical population, which opposes the null hypothesis. It is generally assumed to be true until the null hypothesis can be explicitly proven.
  2. In finance research, an Alternative Hypothesis is often used to test whether there is a significant difference between parameters, such as the mean of a sample and a population or between the means of two independent populations.
  3. The alternative hypothesis is crucial in hypothesis testing as it provides a basis for making decisions. Not only does it offer a direction to the research, but it also helps in achieving a conclusive interpretation of results.


The finance term “Alternative Hypothesis” is important as it plays a critical role in statistical hypothesis testing, which is widely used in finance.

The alternative hypothesis is essentially an assertion that the researcher is trying to prove — it’s the contrary of the null hypothesis.

For instance, if we are testing whether a certain investment strategy will result in different outcomes compared to the market average, the null hypothesis would suggest that the strategy does not provide any difference while the alternative hypothesis would contend that the investment strategy does produce a difference.

This is crucial as it helps professionals in the finance sector to analyse and make informed decisions about investing strategies, financial modelling, forecasting, risk management and other crucial areas in finance.


The alternative hypothesis plays a vital role in the realm of finance, specifically in statistical and probability analysis, wherein it is used to determine the viability of a particular clime or scenario. An alternative hypothesis, also known as the research hypothesis, is a claim that contradicts the null hypothesis. It is the hypothesis that the researcher is trying to prove.

This key element is used in hypothesis testing to propose what we suspect might be the economic reality or truth. Alternative hypotheses are critical in financial risk management and investment decision processes. For instance, a financial analyst may use hypothesis testing to determine whether a particular investment strategy performs better than the market index.

The null hypothesis would generally state that there’s no difference in performance, while the alternative hypothesis would posit that the strategy does perform better. Rejecting the null hypothesis in favour of the alternative hypothesis can fuel a strategic change. Thus, the role of the alternative hypothesis is significant in inferential statistics and decision-making processes in finance.

Examples of Alternative Hypothesis

Alternative hypothesis, in the field of finance and statistics, refers to a statement that contradicts the null hypothesis and posits the existence of a statistically significant relationship between variables. Here are three real-world examples:

Stock Market Predictions: An investor assumes that a particular company’s stock price will increase due to a new product launch. The null hypothesis would be “The new product launch has no effect on the company’s stock price”, while the alternative hypothesis is “The new product launch will increase the company’s stock price”.

Employee Turnover Rates: A company implements a new benefits program with hopes of reducing employee turnover. The null hypothesis would be “The new benefits program has no effect on employee turnover rates”, while the alternative hypothesis would be “The new benefits program will decrease employee turnover rates”. After the benefits program implementation, if the employee turnover rates decrease significantly, then the alternative hypothesis is accepted.

Mortgage Rates Influence on Real Estate Sales: Banks assume lowering mortgage rates will increase real estate sales. Here, the null hypothesis is, “Lowering mortgage rates does not affect real estate sales”, whereas the alternative hypothesis is “Lowering mortgage rates will increase real estate sales”. If the data afterwards show an increase in real estate sales, we accept the alternative hypothesis.

FAQs: Alternative Hypothesis

What is Alternative Hypothesis?

The alternative hypothesis is a statistical term, it suggests an outcome that might happen if there is a significant difference between the parameters being studied. It’s called alternative because it’s an alternative to the null hypothesis which assumes no difference.

What is the role of Alternative Hypothesis in Finance?

In finance, the alternative hypothesis is usually used in hypothesis testing to determine whether a certain condition is true for the population. It’s often used to test market efficiency, pricing models, risk management strategies, etc. The alternative hypothesis is an important component in financial studies to test various financial theories.

When do we reject the Alternative Hypothesis?

We reject the alternative hypothesis when the data supports the null hypothesis. In other words, if the data shows that the assumption of no significant difference is true, then the alternative hypothesis is rejected. Rejecting the alternative hypothesis means that it doesn’t provide a better explanation for the observations than the null hypothesis.

What is the difference between Null Hypothesis and Alternative Hypothesis?

The Null hypothesis assumes that there is no significant difference between the parameters being studied. It presumes that any kind of difference or importance you see in the data is due to chance. The alternative hypothesis, on the other hand, assumes that there is a difference. It anticipates that there’s a relationship between the variables, the results happened for a reason and are not a result of chance.

Why is the Alternative Hypothesis important?

The alternative hypothesis is important because it offers a direction to a hypothesis test. It helps to determine whether the research hypothesis is supported or not. Without the alternative hypothesis, the result of the study would be non-informative.

Related Entrepreneurship Terms

  • Null Hypothesis
  • One-Tail Test
  • Two-Tail Test
  • Statistical Significance
  • Type I and Type II Errors

Sources for More Information

  • Investopedia: This is one of the most popular and well-respected sources for financial information, terms, and analysis on the web.
  • Khan Academy: While it covers a wide range of subjects, it has an excellent section on finance and economics where complex concepts and terms are explained in a comprehensive and easy to understand way.
  • Corporate Finance Institute: This provides a range of financial education courses and certifications. They have a free online glossary where many financial terms and practices are defined and explained.
  • Library of Economics and Liberty: This online platform is dedicated to advancing the study of economics, markets, and liberty. They offer resources on a wide range of economic and financial topics, including finance terms.

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