IFERROR Excel Function

by / ⠀ / March 21, 2024


The IFERROR Excel Function is a tool used in finance and other fields to manage errors in formulae. It checks a formula in the cell for errors and returns a specified value or a default value if an error is found. This is particularly useful when you want to avoid showing error messages when using other functions that might have potential error return values.

Key Takeaways

  1. The IFERROR Excel Function is a useful tool that helps handle errors within Excel. It identifies cells that return errors and allows you to replace them with a custom message or value, keeping your worksheets clean and error-free.
  2. This function takes two arguments: a value argument – the formula you want to test – and a value_if_error argument – the action to take when an error is identified. It checks for all types of errors such as #N/A, #VALUE!, #REF!, #DIV/0!, #NUM!, #NAME?, or #NULL!.
  3. IFERROR function is particularly beneficial when dealing with large datasets as it allows faster and easier analysis by replacing all error values with a more meaningful interpretation or even ignoring them to carry out statistical analysis.


The IFERROR Excel Function is critical in the finance industry because it allows for efficient data analysis and error handling in complex financial models.

It’s employed to manage and minimize errors that may occur in financial computations and projections, thereby ensuring accuracy and reliability.

The IFERROR function is used to return a custom result when the formula being calculated returns an error, like #N/A, #VALUE!, #REF!, #DIV/0!, #NUM!, #NAME?, or #NULL! This helps to avoid unnecessary and unprofessional-seeming error messages on spreadsheets.

Using it can enable a more effective and readable output for decision-making processes, enhancing the overall data comprehension and presentation, which is vital in the financial sector.


The IFERROR Excel Function serves as a powerful tool to manage and identify errors during complex calculations or data processing in Excel. It is designed with the purpose of delivering cleaner and more readable results by handling evaluative errors in a custom manner.

Essentially, this function detects any error in the formula, and instead of displaying an Excel auto-generated error value like #DIV/0!, #N/A, #NAME?, #NULL!, #NUM!, #REF!, or #VALUE!, it allows the user to replace the error with a customized message, value or another formula computation. IFERROR is regularly used in financial analytics, statistical data analysis, scientific computing, and various other fields where large data computations are executed.

By using IFERROR, professionals can focus more on the results and analysis rather than spending time identifying and resolving errors generated during computations. For instance, when performing division operations on a large dataset, if a division by zero error is anticipated, an analyst can use IFERROR to provide an alternate result for those situations, thereby maintaining the readability and clarity of the overall data.

Hence, IFERROR not only helps in error management but also enhances the efficiency of data interpretation and presentation in Excel.

Examples of IFERROR Excel Function

The IFERROR function in Excel is very useful in managing errors in financial spreadsheet calculations. Here are three real world examples of its use:

Ratios Calculation: In a financial analysis spreadsheet, an analyst might use the IFERROR function when calculating financial ratios such as the debt-to-equity ratio. If the equity value is zero, then a division error would occur. Using IFERROR, the error can be replaced with a more intuitive message or value like ‘Infinity’ or ‘Not Applicable’.

Inventory Management: A retail shop owner might use the IFERROR function when calculating unit cost of an item. If the item hasn’t been sold yet, the sales figure would be zero and the cost per unit would result in a division error. By using the IFERROR function, the retailer can replace this error with a preset value or message.

Investment Portfolios: An investment portfolio manager might use IFERROR when calculating return on investment. If an investment hasn’t generated any returns yet, the return value might be null or zero, causing errors in calculations. With IFERROR, the manager can replace such errors with a custom message like ‘No Returns Yet’.


FAQ: IFERROR Excel Function

1. What is the IFERROR Excel function?

The IFERROR function in Excel is a logical function to trap and handle errors in a formula. It is a way to check for errors and output custom results when an error is found. If no errors are found, the function will return the original calculated result.

2. How to use the IFERROR Excel function?

The syntax for the IFERROR function is as follows: IFERROR(value, value_if_error). You provide a value that is calculated or retrieved and a value to output if an error is found.

3. Can I use IFERROR with other functions?

Yes. IFERROR can be used in combination with many other Excel functions. Just make sure to insert the combined function into the value argument of the IFERROR function.

4. Which error types are handled by the IFERROR function?

IFERROR function in Excel can handle all types of errors including #N/A, #VALUE!, #REF!, #DIV/0!, #NUM!, #NAME?, and #NULL!

5. Is there an alternative to the IFERROR function?

Yes, the IF and ISERROR functions used together can serve as an alternative to the IFERROR function. However, IFERROR is more straightforward and easier to use.


Related Entrepreneurship Terms

  • Volatility Calculation in Excel
  • Data Validation in Excel
  • Excel Formula: Return Blank Instead of Zero
  • Error Handling in Excel
  • Excel Functions: ISERROR and ISERR

Sources for More Information

  • Microsoft Support: Microsoft’s official website provides comprehensive information on the IFERROR function in Excel.
  • Exceljet: Exceljet is a super useful website that contains step-by-step tutorials, explanations, and examples on Excel functions, including the IFERROR function.
  • ExcelTip.com: This website is a good source for obtaining practical Excel tips, tricks, and a broad overview of formulas, including IFERROR.
  • Got It AI: Got It AI offers a wide range of Excel tutorials and explanations. They have a comprehensive section dedicated to error-checking tools in Excel, including the IFERROR function.

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