Brace Is Streamlining Government Services for Construction Projects

by / ⠀News / October 19, 2024
Construction Projects

Although the construction industry has been growing for the past few decades, getting projects started to begin with is rarely an easy task.

Why? One contributing factor is the lengthy permits and entitlements process — a frustrating yet important part of construction that’s laden with governmental inefficiencies and slows projects down to a crawl. 

That’s where Eric Owusu Sekyere’s Brace comes in. Brace is a data platform that simplifies some of the most time-consuming parts of new construction by gathering and organizing permit data, helping builders successfully file their applications, and even matching businesses with construction projects that fit their location and expertise. 

Local Government: The Barrier to Efficient, Cost-Effective Construction

Regulatory compliance and permitting are major challenges in the construction industry due to the sheer number of regulations that need to be followed for a successful new build. As one of the most heavily regulated sectors, construction faces restrictions on everything from building codes to environmental standards. 

What’s more, obtaining permits and staying compliant with codes can be time-consuming and expensive, often causing project delays and adding costs. In fact, poor documentation and inefficiencies cost the industry about $177 billion annually

Unfortunately, many construction companies are hesitant to adopt new technologies that could streamline these processes, instead sticking with outdated systems that silo information and increase the chance of errors. So even though modern construction software could make managing compliance and paperwork smoother, the industry’s resistance to change means that many organizations let their workflows remain inefficient.

But innovators like Eric believe that these companies just need the right solution.

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How Brace Simplifies Access to Government Services

With experience in consulting industry-leading sales companies in Australia and leading data science teams for Fortune 500 companies like DoorDash, Eric Owusu Sekyere is well suited for tackling these challenges. 

After leaving DoorDash, he initially developed custom sales solutions for professionals in various industries, but upon building relationships with construction professionals, he discovered that there was a clear opportunity to bring his data expertise to an industry that was sorely lacking in it. With that in mind, he created Brace, a data platform tailored for the construction industry and offering a range of features to simplify and speed up a traditionally long and convoluted process.

For example, Brace allows builders to simply enter the address of their project and instantly see which building department they need to contact.

“It sounds simple,” Eric says, “but figuring out whether to submit documents to the city, county, or an unincorporated area can be surprisingly confusing and lead to delays.” 

Brace also provides intelligent tools that offer advice to construction professionals hoping to keep timelines as tight as possible. “Depending on which county you’re in,” Eric clarifies, “it can be pretty unclear how long a construction project will take to get approved. This is where our data and platform come in handy.” For instance, if someone is looking to build a warehouse in either Phoenix or Tucson, Brace can help them figure out which location will get approved faster. 

By streamlining these steps, Brace helps construction professionals find the right government contact and get their projects moving with fewer headaches.

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But one of Brace’s most powerful features is the ability to make the permit application process much smoother than previously possible. By providing access to previous permit applications, users can see what gets approved and what doesn’t. The platform also provides suggestions in real time, helping cut down on mistakes and speeding up the approval process.

And because Brace’s AI-powered search engine is made for people who aren’t tech experts, users can easily type in the permit type, location, and project valuation and get all the project summaries and permitting details they need. This helps construction professionals secure new business and get projects approved easily, with all the information in one place to make the process smoother.

How Brace Helps Suppliers and Subcontractors Win More Business 

Brace also helps suppliers get ahead by giving them early insight into construction projects while they are still in the planning stages, allowing them to connect with architects, engineers, and contractors before construction begins. 

“For some projects, there may be detailed plans,” Eric explains, “while for others, there’s only a basic description of what’s being built. Our AI model takes these descriptions and plans and figures out what materials are likely going to be used.” This way, suppliers can search for relevant projects that need their materials and find the right opportunities. 

In a similar vein, Brace also helps subcontractors find work. “Let’s say you’re a roofer looking for residential projects,” Eric notes. “You can filter our tool to show only residential jobs. From there, you can reach out to the general contractors directly and get your foot in the door.” This makes Brace a great way for new tradespeople to start building their business, promoting entrepreneurship in an industry that can be hard to break into.

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Start Building Faster with Brace 

Endless regulations, permit applications, and the frustrating search for the right building departments can bring construction projects to a standstill. Fortunately, Eric Owusu Sekyere, Brace is a smart, user-friendly solution that streamlines project approvals, builds connections, and kickstarts job creation. 

Visit Brace to learn more about Eric’s tool, and follow him on LinkedIn for more insights. 

About The Author

Brianna Kamienski

Brianna Kamienski is a highly-educated marketing writer with 4 degrees from Syracuse University. With a comprehensive understanding of communication theory, she's able to craft meaningful work that conveys what clients want to say to their clients. Brianna is the proud mother of two boys, Chase and Cooper.


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