“Change Your Mental State Not Your Strategy” – Tony Robbins Three Pillars

by / ⠀Blog Entrepreneurship Health & Fitness / November 25, 2024

Tony Robbins believes the day a stranger taught his father about ego, changed his perspective on life forever. In his recent video, Tony gave his three pillars of personal transformation. These pillars can be incredibly useful for everyone, but more specifically aspiring entrepreneurs. In this article, we will discuss what Tony Robbins means when he says, “change your mental state, not your strategy”.

At eleven years old, Tony had witnessed a pivotal moment that helped shape his understanding of human behavior and personal transformation. Standing at his doorstep was a man with grocery bags and a turkey, offering help to his family who was struggling during Thanksgiving. Tony’s father’s pride nearly cost them a free meal, but the stranger’s words cut through the tension: “Sir, don’t let your ego get in the way of taking care of your family.”

This experience taught Tony a fundamental truth about human nature – our mental state determines our actions more than our circumstances. When people say they’ve “tried everything” to change their lives, they’re often trapped not by their situation but by their perspective.

Tony’s Three Pillars of Personal Transformation

Through years of experience Tony has discovered that personal transformation follows a specific sequence. Most people get it backward – they start with strategies when they should begin with their mental state.

  1. State – Your mental and emotional condition
  2. Story – The narrative you tell yourself about your life
  3. Strategy – The actual steps you take to create change

Your mental state acts as the foundation for everything else. When you’re in an empowered state, solutions become apparent that were invisible before. Think about being in love – problems that seem insurmountable when you’re depressed become minor inconveniences when you’re filled with joy and possibility.

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The Power of State Management

Tony also stated, “The fastest way to transform your life isn’t through new strategies or techniques – it’s through managing your state”. A radical change in how you use your body can instantly shift your mental and emotional condition. This isn’t just positive thinking; it’s about creating physiological changes that alter your perspective and capabilities.

You’re not experiencing life. You’re experiencing the life you focus on.

Consider people who have lost their sight, their limbs, or their families yet maintain joyous, extraordinary lives. These individuals prove that circumstances don’t control us – our focus does. What’s wrong is always available, but so is what’s right.

Breaking Free from Limiting Stories

Our stories become self-fulfilling prophecies. Tony compared that prophecy to his childhood experience searching for salt in the kitchen while he repeated “I don’t know where it is,” we create blind spots that prevent us from seeing solutions right in front of us. Psychologists call this phenomenon a scotoma – where our beliefs literally prevent us from perceiving available options.

To transform your life, you must:

  • Divorce the story of your limitations
  • Marry the truth of your real abilities
  • Stop revisiting old limiting beliefs
  • Create new empowering narratives

The Vision-Driven Approach

Great leaders understand this principle. Martin Luther King Jr. didn’t have a complete strategy when he shared his dream. President Kennedy didn’t know how to put a man on the moon when he made his bold declaration. They started with a compelling vision and an empowered state, which then attracted the necessary strategies.

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When you have a strong enough “what” and “why,” the “how” will emerge. But you must approach challenges from an altered state – one of possibility and power rather than limitation and fear.

Creating Lasting Change

The transformation sequence is clear: First, change your state radically through physical movement and focused attention. From this new state, create an empowering story about your life and capabilities. Only then should you focus on strategies and tactics.

This approach explains why some people can take simple advice and create remarkable results while others remain stuck despite access to sophisticated strategies. The difference isn’t in the information – it’s in the state from which they approach it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How quickly can someone change their mental state?

Mental state changes can occur instantly through physical movement, breathing patterns, and focused attention. The key is making deliberate choices about your physical state rather than waiting for motivation or circumstances to change.

Q: What if someone’s circumstances are genuinely difficult?

Challenging circumstances are real, but our response to them is within our control. The focus should be on finding aspects of life we can influence while maintaining an empowered state, regardless of external conditions.

Q: How can someone maintain a positive state during ongoing challenges?

Regular practice of state management techniques, combined with conscious attention to your personal narrative, creates resilience. Daily physical activity, gratitude practices, and surrounding yourself with supportive people can help maintain an empowered state.

Q: What’s the relationship between mental state and decision-making?

Your mental state directly influences the quality of your decisions. When in an empowered state, you see more options and make choices aligned with your long-term goals rather than reacting to immediate emotions or circumstances.

About The Author


I love entrepreneurship and helping young entrepreneurs succeed. I love sharing tips from experts in the field, and contribute to the education of the next generation of change makers.


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