Character and Values Are Key To a Successful Career and Life Says Executive Search & Coach

by / ⠀Career Advice / October 20, 2024
Key to a Successful Career

A person’s character–the principles, values, and personal experiences they’ve had–deeply influences their success in personal and professional endeavors. Effective business leaders are commonly praised for their strong character. The empathy, honesty, and morality they demonstrate play a pivotal role in ethical leadership’s ability to benefit organizations and society. A person’s character also affects how they navigate difficult situations and accomplish their goals.

Executive search expert, business coach, and President of McKinney Consulting,

Steve McKinney has more than 20 years of hands-on experience connecting people to opportunities. He has seen the importance of values and principles in executive search but also recognized their impact in other contexts. Steve urges professionals to examine how these beliefs influence their perspectives and career outcomes. Now based in Seoul, South Korea, Steve works with multinational companies, frequently coaching expatriate executives in managing cultural differences and discovering their overarching career goals.

Even after immersing themselves into a completely new cultural environment, Steve encourages his clients to never lose sight of their culture and values. “Having new experiences like moving abroad causes people to compartmentalize their thoughts and behaviors. Now that they’re in another country, it’s easy to feel disconnected from their old self, but that doesn’t mean they should be going against their personal beliefs just to fit in. Learning how to fuse their early experiences and current lifestyle to create a dynamic skill set and viewpoint is key for foreign executives who were brought to Korea because of these specific differences.”

Two life-changing experiences in Steve’s childhood were major catalysts for his personal growth and development. He commonly references these events as what shaped his values and character and set him on the path toward entrepreneurship.

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The first event happened when Steve was nine years old. Like many other young kids, he wished for grandiose gifts for Christmas–in his case a pony–despite the low chance of him receiving the present. Steve’s family was honest about this, telling him that the pony was too expensive and they had no place to keep the animal. Steve didn’t accept this as the truth. He continued wishing for a pony, praying to God that he would have the gift no matter what. To his entire family’s surprise, Steve’s wish came true. On Christmas morning, a pony appeared outside their window. Steve’s parents were confused about how this strange event happened since they never bought the pony for Steve. 

“My parents were so shocked to see the pony that morning, but I was ecstatic because it meant my prayer was heard,” Steve says. “The pony stayed with my relatives next door until we found the owner a week later. It turns out that the pony wandered for several miles until it arrived at my house as a symbol that God had granted my wish. This coincidence changed how I saw the world, even at that young age. It inspired me to have more faith and base my life around helping others.”

The second event Steve credits for his values and principles wasn’t as positive. At 14, he lost his older brother in a deadly car accident. Both Steve and him were in the car when it rolled down a barrier four times. His brother didn’t survive the crash and Steve was left with serious back injuries and an all-encompassing feeling of grief.

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“In a single instant, my brother was no longer part of my life,” Steve shares solemnly. “I was a teenager at the time and I struggled to understand why I had survived and he didn’t. This guilt eventually subsided and our family musical group continued despite his passing. I took on his vocal and instrumental parts, learning the bass guitar and becoming the eldest brother to my two younger siblings. This second lease on life not only inspired me to live intentionally. It pushed me to help others do the same.”

From Steve’s perspective, the serendipitous events that occur in our lives–whether they’re miracles or tragedies–are the building blocks of our personal identity. Whether experienced early on or later in life, how an individual responds greatly determines the path they lead. Everyone’s life has inherent meaning, whether it’s to benefit local communities or the world. Recognizing this and acting upon that purpose can create unseen levels of positivity and innovation in the world. Steve’s purpose has been to act as a guide, coaxing the best traits out of people through his business in coaching and executive search. His Success Factors program speaks to his role as a mentor. The program helps participants hone in on their unique qualities and overcome personal obstacles in their lives. Success Factors equips professionals of all backgrounds for success, whether they are business leaders with decades of experience or startup founders. Through hands-on meetings with Steve, participants apply proven strategies to achieve their full potential

“I look for the good in everyone,” Steve says. “In my line of work, I have been trained to look past a person’s credentials to pinpoint what really lights them up. It’s these passions that help me find roles that align with their skills and bring about positive change in a company and in communities across the globe. I feel very grateful to have provided opportunities for people through coaching and executive search throughout my own career. This dedication to digging up a person’s best qualities is what fuels me to continue this work.”

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About The Author

Brianna Kamienski

Brianna Kamienski is a highly-educated marketing writer with 4 degrees from Syracuse University. With a comprehensive understanding of communication theory, she's able to craft meaningful work that conveys what clients want to say to their clients. Brianna is the proud mother of two boys, Chase and Cooper.


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