Easy Ways to Work Smarter Not Harder During A Start-Up

by / ⠀Startup Advice / February 11, 2013

Work HardLet’s look at what it means. Working smarter means getting results with the least amount of time, energy, and resources; and while it doesn’t necessarily mean that you don’t have to work hard it does carry its own weight.  There are four tactics to working smarter not harder during a start-up and while there are many others these four work both in and out of the work place.  In fact you could apply them to your workout, your love life, your career, relationships or anything else.

 After all to get in the best shape, to have the best results in business, to have a great relationship or make any part of your life successful you are without a doubt going to have to work hard to not only start it, but get results, and maintain it.

Sam was an above average employee at a telecommunications center topping everyone else’s sales numbers each quarter he recognized his potential and decided to start his own company.  Sam grew up in Holland had traveled the world and while that was satisfying it wasn’t satisfying enough.  After training in NLP Sam both knew and understood what it would take to run a company, or so he thought.  After outlining what it was he wanted to accomplish Sam began taking the necessary steps to implement and effectively communicate to his target market the products/services he could provide.  After a couple months like many business owners Sam became overwhelmed and came to the conclusion that it was much more than he could handle by himself so he retreated and for a period of time gave up.  After all he had to manage financial, legal, client/customer relations, technical, products/programs, marketing/sales, and that was just the beginning.  He realized that to get further faster he would need to implement 4 strategic keys to become successful.  So what were they?

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Planning is a key element to anything you want to achieve in life.  This is the MOST important step to working more effectively.  Many people plan to plan, which distracts them and puts them further away from the goals they want to achieve.  Planning, Preparing, and Following through are elements that push start-ups beyond the beginning stage and into 6 and 7 figure real businesses.


Working on the right things is vital to your success during a start-up.  Don’t get complacent or you can lose momentum.  You do not come across success just by hoping for it. To achieve true success, you need the strength of mind and body to struggle and work hard to reach your fullest potential. You need the right attitude, self-discipline and the ability to put your goal before your own needs, if you are really driven towards reaching success. There is, after all no substitute for hard work, and as Henry Ford says, “The harder you work, the luckier you get”.


A great way to cool down is to engage in activities that relax the body and clear the mind.  Meditation, yoga, dance, exercise, or other activities that get you away from your work which is no longer a luxury to a successful business owners but rather a necessity.  Relaxing and recharging both increases your productivity and reduces your stress levels.


This is a marathon not a sprint.  Unless you want to go into business today and out of business tomorrow it’s important to pace yourself.  To get results consistently you must be consistent. That doesn’t mean doing what you want to do when you want to do it that means doing what you need to do when you need to do it.  The more consistent you are, the greater your results will be.

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I suspect you know this already, but are you doing it?

Here’s the deal:  we will always be lacking consistency in something.  Always.  The point is not to become consistent in everything, but to find those crucial points where it is paramount in who you are as a person and for your business.

Tasks that take longer to complete because you are tired, distracted, lack the proper tools, knowledge or resources, or because you are disorganized are a clear indication that you are probably working too hard.  It isn’t going to be easy, but it is going to be worth it and it is possible if implement this 4 strategic steps.

When I first met Sam he told me “The thing with me is that I have killer potential, but I’m not living up to it so far.”  How many of us can say that we either have or are feeling the same way?  Today Sam continues to travel the world training, speaking, and teaching leaders how to build their confidence and get the success they both desire and deserve.  What’s unique is that Sam has not only found his passion in life but  uses what was once a challenge to teach other young professionals there are no limitations to what is possible.  Sam & his partner alongside 20 other young professionals will be embarking on a 2-3 week adventure in Brazil later 2013 and he would love for you to join.  Sam’s story proves that these four simple steps are the beginning of great adventures and amazing opportunities.  You don’t have to be in the perfect place at the perfect time you just have to have confidence and a belief that you can achieve whatever you set out to.

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Melissa Krivachek is President of Briella Arion and is deeply & passionately committed to the growth & effectiveness of leaders, teams, and organizations. Melissa is a High Caliber Leadership, Sales, and Personal Growth Expert, Author, Speaker, Coach, and Life Enthusiast! To IGNITE your Purpose, Presence, Passion, & Profit visit Briellaarion.com or Ignite-Leadership.com

Image Credit: Shutterstock.com

About The Author

Matt Wilson

Matt Wilson is Co-Founder of Under30Experiences, a travel company for young people ages 21-35. He is the original Co-founder of Under30CEO (Acquired 2016). Matt is the Host of the Live Different Podcast and has 50+ Five Star iTunes Ratings on Health, Fitness, Business and Travel. He brings a unique, uncensored approach to his interviews and writing. His work is published on Under30CEO.com, Forbes, Inc. Magazine, Huffington Post, Reuters, and many others. Matt hosts yoga and fitness retreats in his free time and buys all his food from an organic farm in the jungle of Costa Rica where he lives. He is a shareholder of the Green Bay Packers.


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