HCM Vs. HRM: The Critical Differences

by / ⠀Company Culture / February 5, 2024

Businesses need more than a dream and wish to stay successful. Business owners must have solid goals and objectives, including the development and training of staff. This means businesses need HCM (human capital management) and HRM (human resource management). While some companies may use these terms interchangeably, they have several critical differences. For example, HRM refers to human resources administration, which includes employee records, leave management, and payroll. HCM focuses on people resources management or the ROI of a workforce. Both strategies have their own place in a business, whether a startup or a company that has been around for a hundred years. Business owners and entrepreneurs should use both HCM and HRM to reach the goals they’ve set for themselves.

Fundamentals of Human Resources Management

Most business owners are familiar with human resource management. HRM forms the foundation or is the starting point of employee-related business administration. HRM manages the administrative and operational strategies of managing employees. The HRM approach works in just about any business and helps guide the intricate aspects of employee management.

For instance, HRM works to recruit and onboard new employees. HRM is clearly visible in company policy documents and employee contracts. HR departments develop these documents to align with a company’s values. Also, all HR documents must align with relevant labor laws. HRM helps to ensure that companies stay compliant with these laws and regulations.

Furthermore, HRM involves payroll and benefits administration. HR managers use HRM strategies and guidelines to process payroll, work out leave days, and calculate employee benefits. HR managers manage performance management processes and give employees feedback about their performance. They also use HRM fundamentals to ensure that employees do not experience discrimination or harassment while at work.

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It is easy to see how HRM simplifies employee management administration. HRM processes help streamline everyday operations as well. And business owners should not ignore it because it is the one thing that keeps organizations functional over the long term.

HCM Builds on the Foundation of HRM

HCM takes direction from HRM, but this strategy takes a far more comprehensive approach. For example, where HRM focuses on new employee onboarding documents, HCM identifies top talent. HCM strategies also work to attract and retain talent, which helps improve business operations. HCM works on the belief that employees are much more than just a business expense. They are more than just workers who turn over the production rate in a factory. They are more than just people who sit at desks and type numbers into a spreadsheet. Workers are business assets that play a vital role in business performance.

This view allows HCM to focus on employee engagement and motivation. HCM processes help build open and transparent communication channels between business management and employees. It gives employees the confidence to air grievances they may have. It also allows them to speak up about sensitive issues in the workplace. Moreover, HCM promotes a more positive working environment, which always benefits a business.

Also, while HRM deals with paperwork and admin related to training and development, HCM invests in employee skills. It does this by looking for and identifying the best training and development opportunities.

HCM takes business efficiency one step further by measuring employee data. This process helps form extended HCM strategies, which can further improve talent development. It also opens the door for more human capital investments. HCM is the single best strategy for business owners to use when aligning their workforce objectives with their business goals.

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Lastly, HCM maximizes employee potential by using innovation to help workers thrive. HCM allows companies to get an edge over their competition by continuously building toward a positive working environment. HCM is, and should be, the core of any business that wants to be successful. It guarantees this success by driving companies forward through a highly skilled and satisfied workforce.

The Difference Between HCM and HRM

The comparisons between HCM and HRM show that each strategy has a different focus. HRM helps maintain administrative efficiency and smooths out the operational process. HRM strategies also help businesses stay compliant with all relevant laws. HCM builds a link between employee and business goals. It does this by highlighting the potential of each employee and how their skills and hard work can help the business grow.

Furthermore, the scope of HCM and HRM also differs. Again, HRM focuses on transactional and administrative excellence. This means HR departments use HRM to ensure that all employee documentation and data are updated. It also uses HRM to keep track of technical data like leaves, bonuses, and allowances. HCM is about finding the right talent for a business and developing their skills.

These differences stem from the philosophies associated with both strategies. HRM sees employees as business resources that need effective management. HCM sees a workforce as a business asset the company should invest in. While these philosophies have different starting points, they meet up for the employees’ benefit.

HRM and HCM also measure individual metrics. HRM works to fulfill immediate needs and to comply with urgent regulatory requirements. HCM is a strategy that works best over the long term. It continues to measure and shape future employee needs and finds the talent to fill workforce gaps.

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HCM and HRM Work as a Combined System

Despite the differences between HCM and HRM, these strategies work together to strengthen businesses. HRM will always be the foundation for HCM processes. HCM strategies will always help improve efficiency in HR departments.

However, this does not mean businesses need to use both HCM and HRM. For instance, a small business would have limited resources and probably fare better using HRM. However, as a small business expands, it should include HCM strategies to help its workforce grow and develop their skills.

Growing Your Business Using HCM

HCM is practically an evolved version of HRM. You can use it to manage your employees and give them a chance to upskill themselves. Use the HCM approach to create a competitive advantage in your business and ensure your company’s success long into the future.

About The Author

Kimberly Zhang

Editor in Chief of Under30CEO. I have a passion for helping educate the next generation of leaders. MBA from Graduate School of Business. Former tech startup founder. Regular speaker at entrepreneurship conferences and events.


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