How I Started a Digital Marketing Agency in the Dental Industry

by / ⠀Career Advice Entrepreneurship / October 22, 2024
dental industry

Growing up, I was always surrounded by conversations about teeth, patient care, and dental procedures. Both of my parents are in the dental industry, so the world of healthcare was second nature to me. However, as I got older, a different aspect of their work caught my attention: the challenge of running a successful business.

Like many healthcare professionals, my parents were experts in their field but struggled with one crucial element—marketing.

By the time I was in college, their dental practice was already successful, but I could see there was room for growth. They had been working with various marketing companies, but none seemed to understand dentistry’s specifics.

I noticed how frustrated my parents were when their practice wasn’t seeing the results they were promised. It wasn’t that the marketing teams weren’t competent; it’s just that none of them specialized in the dental industry.

Seeing an Opportunity

As I studied business and marketing, it became increasingly clear that there was a major gap in the market.

Dentists needed marketing strategies tailored to their profession’s unique aspects—strategies that could reach patients, convey trust, and highlight expertise. This realization sparked something in me.

I thought, “If no one else is going to understand this industry like I do, why don’t I learn how to do it myself?”

So, I immersed myself in the world of digital marketing. I spent countless hours reading, learning, and experimenting with everything from search engine optimization (SEO) to pay-per-click (PPC) advertising.

I wasn’t just learning these skills to pass an exam or complete a project—I was learning them to directly impact my parents’ practice.

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The First Real Test

Armed with my newfound knowledge, I set to work at my parents’ dental clinic. I redesigned their website to be conversion-focused, which means that every element—from the layout to the calls to action—was built with one goal in mind: turning visitors into patients.

Then, I dove deep into SEO, optimizing every page, image, and blog post to ensure the site would rank for highly relevant dental terms. Finally, I executed hyper-targeted Google AdWords campaigns aimed at people actively looking for dental services in our area.

The results? By the end of the year, my parents’ clinic had grown by $800,000 in revenue solely through these online marketing efforts. It was more than just a financial win—it was proof that understanding the industry inside and out was the key to success. I had found my formula.

From Family Business to Industry Disruption

This experience opened my eyes to the larger need in the dental community. If my parents, who had years of experience and solid practice, struggled to find the right marketing help, what about other dentists across North America?

That’s when I decided to launch The Dental SEO Company (formerly Healthcare Marketing) in 2014.

The company’s idea was simple: provide dental practices with marketing strategies tailored to their specific needs. What makes us different?

We operate with no contracts, no setup fees, and a promise of local exclusivity—meaning I won’t work with your competitors.

I also guarantee performance. If the strategies I implement don’t generate results, I take accountability for them.

I built the agency around a core set of values that I believe are critical to long-term success:

  • Loyalty: I work with no more than two professionals in each market to avoid conflicts of interest.
  • Results-Oriented: On average, my process generates $4 for every $1 a client invests.
  • Transparency: I’m direct about everything, whether it’s going well or needs improvement.
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Lessons Learned and the Road Ahead

Looking back, starting The Dental SEO Company fresh out of college wasn’t an easy decision, but it was the right one.

I had the advantage of knowing the dental industry inside and out, and I paired that with a deep understanding of digital marketing.

Together, those two skills helped me grow my parents’ business and help dental practice owners across North America build highly profitable, patient-focused businesses.

The lesson here is that specialized knowledge matters. It’s not enough to be a great marketer—you need to understand the world your clients operate in. That world was dental care for me, and I’m grateful that my journey started by helping my family’s practice thrive.

The road ahead is exciting. The dental industry is constantly evolving, and so are the tools and strategies we use to help our clients grow.

However, one thing remains constant: the need for marketing solutions that truly understand the unique challenges dental practices face. That’s what The Dental SEO Company is all about.

Photo by Daniel Frank: Pexels

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