Hunter Biden’s ex releases revealing memoir

by / ⠀News / August 22, 2024
Revealing Memoir

Lunden Roberts, the Arkansas mother of one of Hunter Biden’s children, has released a memoir titled “Out of the Shadows.” The 312-page book, co-authored by Josh Manning and Erin Brownback, details her journey from meeting Hunter Biden to reaching a family reconciliation. Roberts met Biden at a house party in Washington, DC, around early 2017. They became romantically involved despite a significant age gap.

She recalls being drawn to his charm but also entangled in his lifestyle of heavy partying and substance abuse. When Roberts became pregnant in late 2017, she alleged that Biden missed important moments. After moving back to Arkansas, she considered suicide post-delivery but chose life after her daughter’s birth.

In 2019, she filed a paternity suit, which DNA tests confirmed. Roberts secured monthly child support of $20,000 in 2020, but Biden later requested a reduction. After settling the child-support case in 2023, both parties started working towards building a relationship for their daughter, Navy.

Biden promised to be more present in her life. Navy learned about her Biden heritage from afar, with Roberts teaching her about her lineage and famous relatives. The memoir highlights heart-wrenching episodes where Navy struggled with her father’s absence but also Biden’s eventual efforts to connect through weekly video calls.

Roberts commends Biden’s commitment to maintaining this newfound relationship despite his legal troubles. Roberts was born on March 5, 1991, in Arkansas.

Rebuilding family ties despite challenges

She graduated from Southside High School in Batesville and attended Arkansas State University. After college, she pursued an advanced degree at George Washington University, where she met Biden in the fall of 2016. Roberts started working as Biden’s assistant, and they began a sometimes-sexual friendship.

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She became embroiled in his day-to-day life, even spending time at Joe and Jill Biden’s home in Delaware. In January 2018, Roberts found out she was expecting Biden’s child. She moved back to Arkansas to have the support of her family and raise her child.

In May 2019, she sued Biden for child support. A paternity test in November 2019 showed that Biden was the father. The proceedings concluded in January 2020 when Biden agreed to pay $20,000 per month in child support.

In June 2023, they reached a settlement agreement that Biden would pay Navy $5,000 per month. Roberts released her memoir in August 2024, detailing her relationship with Biden and the first five years of her daughter’s life. She wanted to write the book so people could see her experience from her perspective and so that her daughter would be able to do the same one day.

Despite the legal battles and public scrutiny, Roberts maintains hope for a positive relationship with Hunter Biden for the sake of their daughter, Navy Joan Roberts. However, she expressed hurt at seeing Navy excluded from family events like the Democratic National Convention.

About The Author

Kimberly Zhang

Editor in Chief of Under30CEO. I have a passion for helping educate the next generation of leaders. MBA from Graduate School of Business. Former tech startup founder. Regular speaker at entrepreneurship conferences and events.


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