Introducing Klickly – A Customer Acquisition Hero Amidst 3rd-Party Cookie Depreciation

by / ⠀Finding Customers News / October 18, 2024
Customer Acquisition

The digital landscape is a constantly evolving world where boundless opportunities and innovation meet uncertainty. In recent months, Google’s fluid timeline for phasing out third-party cookies stirred an upheaval in the digital marketing sphere, illustrating that the privacy-on-the-web work is never finished. This news relates to the Tracking Protection feature designed to limit cross-site tracking, which has been further delayed, leaving advertisers unsure of their position.

This story follows the backlash Google received for total depreciation by late 2024. While Google’s stance is understandable due to third-party cookies’ role in cultivating a more focused advertising landscape – with cookies tracking customer preferences and pushing targeted ads – it also raised concerns. For many, their ability to track website activities sparks worry around user privacy, calling for a solution that returns control to the user’s hands.

The consequences of this delay transcend user privacy, with regulatory bodies taking action. For instance, the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) implemented safety measures that make it more challenging and cost-prohibitive to acquire new customers online. As a result, many companies are cutting or exhausting their marketing budgets, forced to do more with less.

With the impending third-party cookies phaseout, advertisers must think outside the box, reshape their strategies, and seek solutions that help them thrive. In this realm, artificial intelligence (AI) emerges as a lifeline, offering unique opportunities for harnessing technology to adjust to a world where technology is an ever-growing player. One company that emanates this essence of innovation is Klickly, a full-funnel consumer data software platform powering customer acquisition for leading consumer brands.

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The firm’s belief that AI may be an optimal customer growth solution is driven by AI’s unparalleled capability to process data and create valuable insights, ultimately granting advisers access to previously undecipherable data aggregations. The technology’s potential extends to streamlined customer acquisition, which happens through targeted identification of potential customers. With this, AI can predict customer behavior to improve conversion rates, enhance lead-scoring mechanisms, and optimize marketing campaigns in real time. 

To remain at the forefront of the modern AI movement, Klickly utilizes a proprietary full-funnel consumer data engine processing over 10 billion events and mapped to millions of users. The funnel is instrumental in unlocking commerce insights and driving revenue for brands, making predictions on which customers are most likely to purchase and when they’re ready to do so. According to Klickly, AI has helped the platform identify underlying merchant sales of over $1.2 billion annually, demonstrating its efficacy in driving distributed commerce.

After observing the landscape from a first-row seat, Klickly notices an influx of brands willing – even eager – to adopt AI-driven services. The company alludes to its clients’ trajectories: a protein powders and mushroom-based coffee producer who witnessed a more than 50% increase in quarterly revenue after implementing Klickly’s solution; and a skincare brand averaging 4x returns across thousands of orders. 

In light of recent Google news, Klickly showcases that – with AI-powered solutions – digital marketing isn’t limited to third-party cookies. A representative of the skincare brand reflects on Klickly’s potential, attesting to this new era of online marketing: “I love Klickly. They enable brands to immediately stop wasting money on worthless CPM media buys and focus on driving real revenue and lowering my cost per acquisition.”

About The Author

Brianna Kamienski

Brianna Kamienski is a highly-educated marketing writer with 4 degrees from Syracuse University. With a comprehensive understanding of communication theory, she's able to craft meaningful work that conveys what clients want to say to their clients. Brianna is the proud mother of two boys, Chase and Cooper.


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