Learn Google Plus or Put Your Business at Risk

by / ⠀Finding Customers Startup Advice / January 20, 2012

In the last couple of days if you haven’t noticed it a lot of discussion has been revolving around the social networking site Google Plus. With the change of their social search algorithm and addition too the social search now most personal brands and companies are now losing out on new customers if their not present on Google Plus.

With Google Plus estimated followers of 67 million million users since November their growing at a very fast pace and closing in on Twitters estimated users of 100 million. So, the talk of this social platform dying or being boring is now becoming a really irrelevant statement to make since their now growing their user base at a very fast pace.

Every business uses Google in some form so with Google’s integration of all of their programs such as maps, images, video, and news their social platform is now widely being more used because instead of making their platform a standalone as most would of thought their integrating that Google Plus into every searchable field that Google has to offer. So when you search for different items on Google your going to see the suggestions of people in your circles and your friends circles first.

So, the question you would have to ask yourself is what if you have no one in your circles or even on Google Plus for your business are you losing out on business?

It means that your going to need to analyze your social media marketing and get involved within using Google Plus now on a daily basis. That you need to now setup a strategy of offering more interesting content that will be likeable and offer value to your potential and existing clients. Now, some might argue that Google is limiting your searching capabilities as Danny Sullivan did to only your circles which in some instance it is true. But, do you really think that Bing or Yahoo can offer you the same amount of consistent and organic traffic as Google does?

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A great recommendation that I suggest you do is look at how many of your friends and family search on Yahoo or Bing for business services compared to Google. That should answer the question of which search engine you should be catering too.

But, back to the idea of leveraging Google Plus.

Google Plus offers a great platform to use both text, images, and video to make the social engagement more fun and correspondent. Your images and videos show up a lot better within the social feeds and people now have a better comment field to really engage in discussions that are being brought forth.

I know within the generation-y arena we have fell in love with Twitter with its rapid response and viral marketing methods and Facebooks “in a relationship” lifestyle that it has created but now we have to focus on our companies and they way people are searching and finding products and services.

With Twitter not renewing their contract with Google and Facebook wanting to do nothing with Google at all. Wasting time on these other social networking sites is not going to be that relevant with growing your business. Now, I’m not suggesting that you kill off your social media sties at all but analyze and see where you would like to see the future of your business grow into. You have to understand that Google holds a high level of internet respect and that they can either assist you with building more customers or you be left with 160 character tweets that won’t lead to any relevant sells other than people complaining about how bad or good your customer service is.

See also  10 Ways to Leverage a Google Plus Page to Get Customers

For all of my Twitter fans out their Twitter made a statement a while ago by Matt Graves that went something like this:

For years, people have relied on Google to deliver the most relevant results anytime they wanted to find something on the Internet.

Often, they want to know more about world events and breaking news. Twitter has emerged as a vital source of this real-time information, with more than 100 million users sending 250 million Tweets every day on virtually every topic. As we’ve seen time and time again, news breaks first on Twitter; as a result, Twitter accounts and Tweets are often the most relevant results.

We’re concerned that as a result of Google’s changes, finding this information will be much harder for everyone. We think that’s bad for people, publishers, news organizations and Twitter users.

Now, with Google taking over the real time information and investing in making themselves as one of the prominent search fields on the internet today it might be best to invest in a company that will continually build upon their social platform and will offer you the results you need to compete with other businesses.

The companies that choose to ignore this social growth and change will see their results start fading away shortly and notice that you must have some sort of presence on Google Plus. If you choose not too then that’s no problem your going to just have to work twice as hard in the long run to make up for what you should of focused on in the beginning.

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Justice Wordlaw IV is an internet entrepreneur in Chicago, Il. He helps companies and entreprenerus gain leads to their business and converts them into sales. He is the author of three ebooks. A huge Starbucks addict and gym junkie. 

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