Are You A Lion Or A Gazelle?

by / ⠀Entrepreneurship / October 27, 2014

Did you watch The Lion King growing up?

Trick question…of COURSE you did.

I liked that movie because it wasn’t all fairytales and rainbows. It was some REAL ish.

Dude…Scar was a bad mofo. Definitely a gangbanger of the animal kingdom.

Scar straight up killed his brother, then shamed his nephew into exile AND tried to get with his sister in law. OG.

I saw it come on TV a few nights ago, and it got me thinking about how nature is a nasty business sometimes.

For instance, watch one of those “Greatest Predator” shows on Animal Planet. They have all those really cool (slightly gruesome) slow-mo scenes of powerful lions chasing terrified gazelles to their deaths.

Sorry, bro!


I’m almost bored watching it…because it’s the SAME STORY every single time.

Unassuming gazelle is just frolicking on the plains, looking for something to nibble on…

Hungry, patient lioness is waiting in the bushes…

She seems calm, but on the inside, she’s raging.

She’s been hunting all day and finally she’s set her sights on her next meal. She can’t afford to blow it.

She takes a careful survey to find the slowest, weakest of the gazelles and makes chase — eventually tackling it in a burst of speed and ferocity.

And you know what happens next…

I’m pretty sure that’s an antelope…but you get the idea…

I can hear the Lion King theme music playing…”It’s the circle of liiiiiiiiife.”



Because these two creatures are motivated by COMPLETELY different forces. And their attitudes determine their outcomes.

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The gazelle is reactionary. It grazes the land, going about it’s day with no particular plan. There’s an abundance of grass, so it’s not particularly desperate for food. There’s no motivation to do anything.

The gazelle has no “why.”

But then, the lion comes. NOW it’s time to be alert. NOW it’s time to run. NOW it’s time to get motivated. It finally has a “why,” if only temporarily.

But by then, it’s too late.

It’s too late because unlike the gazelle, the lion is proactive. The lion has spent the entire day looking for food because it’s her JOB to bring it home to her family.

Unlike the gazelle, if she doesn’t do her work, she won’t eat. Her kids won’t eat. Her partner won’t eat. Her family will die.

She’s both literally and figuratively HUNGRY.

Do you think she always “FEELS” like running top speed to chase down another animal and kill it?

Probably not. BUT THAT DOESN’T EVEN MATTER because her “why” is bigger than her external circumstances. She needs to eat as bad as she needs to breathe…and that makes her decision to get up in the morning and hunt EXTREMELY easy. It’s a binary decision. Yes or no — and to “no” means certain death.

Now think about how you run your life…

You have all these things that you want to do. I get emails from you all the time:

“Daniel, I want to start a business…”


“I want to get in better shape…”


“I want to be more productive…”

But I want to ask you something….

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You say you want to make changes, start something new, or improve a certain area of your life — but you’re acting like a gazelle.

You’re waiting for things to happen to you.

You think it’d be “nice” if XYZ would come to pass.

But you don’t have a bone-deep, unstoppable “WHY.”

You’re not HUNGRY.

You’re just ‘kinda motivated.”

You’re not behaving like a lion because you don’t feel like there are any “real” stakes.

Sure, you stay at a crappy job….but you’re not dead.

Or you stay in a bad relationship…but you’re not alone.

You tell yourself that you’re fine…when secretly, the pain is numbing. Every single day.

NEWSFLASH: Good things DON’T come to those who wait.

(Who came up with that BS?)

You want success?

You can’t throw a coin in a f***in’ wishing well and start making 6-figures.

You can’t blow out some candles on a birthday cake and meet the person of your dreams.

You can’t crack the f***ing wishbone on a turkey and start a profitable business.

That’s for suckers. That’s for gazelles.

If you want it, go get it.

Stop making excuses for why you can’t.

“I’m too tired.”

“My kids this…”

“My job that…”

You’re no longer safe. This is life or death. So get out there and hunt.

When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful.

But not a minute before that.

Tools to become a lion…

Success is difficult. It’s painful. And you’re bound to hit roadblocks like these along the way.

See also  The 6 Startup Stages Entrepreneurs Must Face

BUT, with the right tools, you can give yourself a slight edge. Even 10% can mean the difference between pushing through and giving up.

That’s why I put together a special free “mini-course” for Under30CEO readers called The Startup Series.

In it, you’ll learn:

  1. How to boost your productivity 537%
  2. Avoid costly rookie mistakes that most people make when trying to launch a project or business
  3. One strategy that’s guaranteed to help you start a profitable business in 24 hours or less

Grab it now, free 🙂


About The Author

Matt Wilson

Matt Wilson is Co-Founder of Under30Experiences, a travel company for young people ages 21-35. He is the original Co-founder of Under30CEO (Acquired 2016). Matt is the Host of the Live Different Podcast and has 50+ Five Star iTunes Ratings on Health, Fitness, Business and Travel. He brings a unique, uncensored approach to his interviews and writing. His work is published on, Forbes, Inc. Magazine, Huffington Post, Reuters, and many others. Matt hosts yoga and fitness retreats in his free time and buys all his food from an organic farm in the jungle of Costa Rica where he lives. He is a shareholder of the Green Bay Packers.


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