What is one thing young entrepreneurs should be aware of when considering an acquisition offer? The following answers are provided by Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. In partnership…
I truly believe that sometimes to get back in touch, you need to get away. I closed out 2014 in a rut, feeling lost with many…
I think we can all agree that it’s very important to connect with other people throughout life. This allows us to: Make new friends Discover more…
Everything You Thought About Your Purpose in Life is Wrong
January 28, 2015It’s the challenge of our generation. But is it too late? So many of us have joined the establishment. We were duped into thinking a college…
9 Out-of-the-Box Refund Policies (and Why They Work So Well)
January 27, 2015What is one creative feature you include in your refund policy and why does it work? The following answers are provided by Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only…
Trading College for Credit: Interview with Paul Gu of Upstart
January 26, 2015Being young can be inexpensive if you choose to live out of your parent’s basement with little aspiration of improving yourself or going anywhere in life.…
When you picture a a duck, what do you see? What’s the first thing that comes to mind? If you’re anything like me—a hopelessly devoted child…
Knowing the right time to quit your day job after starting your business can be a big decision. Moving from your standard pay cheque to relying…
Challenges never stop when starting a business. While trying to break into the startup world, I learned as much as possible about startups, founders, networking,…
Entrepreneurial Cliff Diving: Interview with Whole Whale’s George Weiner
January 19, 2015Hiscox Courageous Entrepreneur Interview Series This is part four of the ten part series. Follow the Hiscox Courageous Entrepreneur interview series on Under30CEO.com. Interview Series Sponsored by Hiscox Small…