I talk to a number of aspiring entrepreneurs every day, and a number of them have the same problem: They can’t get needed funding to start…
It’s awesome, I just got my new BMW, booked my 7 day cruise, OH and hired someone to redesign my entire website. Great day right? MAYBE,…
We often search for happiness, yet we stay stuck in our same routine wishing, hoping, and dreaming for success, change, and happiness. I wanted to share…
When any entrepreneur launches his business venture, he intends to run it for an indefinite period of time. However, I have noticed that it’s not the…
One of the toughest things as an entrepreneur or head a startup that’s set to take over the world is the challenge of getting it off…
How many hours a day do you spend online? Add it up: Most people glance at their smartphone first thing in the morning; they spend a…
What kind of full-time worker needs a second full-time job just to make ends meet? An entrepreneur launching a startup, that’s who. Unfortunately, this is not…
Results: What Comes to Mind When You Think of a Small Business Lawyer?
January 25, 2013Under30CEO and eMinutes are teaming up to create a better legal experience for entrepreneurs. To help figure out what we need to do to create that…
As a manager or business owner, you can’t prepare for every employee situation you might find yourself in. An employee who becomes disabled is one that…
Employee First Impressions Can Build a Sustainable Culture and Reputation
January 25, 2013Have you been through the hiring process in your organization? Have you applied for a job at your company or worked with the temp agency that…