“Get going. Move forward. Aim high. Plan a takeoff. Don’t just sit on the runway and hope someone will come along and push the airplane. It…
Top Ten Reasons Why Start Up Companies Need to Blog
July 21, 2013Blogging is extremely valuable to a company’s success, even if it’s a start-up. Most new companies have very scarce marketing budgets. This is largely due to…
You’ve just graduated college in the top 10 percent of your class. Great! Now comes the fun part: finding a job. Even though the unemployment rate…
They always say that “it’s lonely at the top” and young business owners have to realize that starting a business is not generally a group effort…
Believe it or not, some common things we do in America offend people overseas. That’s right. Some of our most engrained customs — things we don’t…
Entrepreneurship and Pilates: A Match Made in Heaven
July 20, 2013As entrepreneurs and business owners, we all know how important it is to prioritize our lives. There are only so many hours in the day to…
If you are the hiring manager and is mainly responsible for the recruitment of your company employees, it is your job and main responsibility to make…
I am fortunate enough to travel a lot, both for work and for fun, over the years I have developed an internal checklist of things I…
Your plane touches down. You grab your bags. You hop in your car, and you head home. Sitting on the couch on your first day back…
We often hear that people are lucky and that is why they are successful. This can´t be more wrong. For sure there are some lucky people.…