Intel launched a competition in November for young people in tech to have a chance to win up to $100,000. The contest is specifically for 18-24…
Results: Is College Debt the Right Problem to Tackle for Young Entrepreneurs?
November 23, 2011Recently college debt has been a hot topic especially for young entrepreneurs. The White House announced a plan to help reduce the college debt burden on…
Infographic: 5 Ways to Bring Your Communication System out of the Stoneage
November 23, 2011Graphic Created by MegaPath VoIP Service Providers…
For months we’ve been saying it at Under30CEO. “Why don’t these startups ever get asked the tough questions?…Why doesn’t anyone have the heart to tell them…
27 year old CEO Claims His Second IPO & Signs Tiger Woods to Endorse
November 22, 2011Today, at Under30CEO we’re publishing an interview with 27 year old Adam Adler, CEO of Fuse Science, our first Under30CEO running a publicly traded company, ticker…
Below are 10 of today’s most successful and inspiring young CEOs. Take some time to watch all of the interviews and learn about how they built…
Just last week on November 18th Harvard’s long awaited i-Lab opened it doors. The lab aims to further encourage entrepreneurship and innovation across the campus and…
Why Building A Blogging Community Is More Important Than Anything Else
November 21, 2011When you start out blogging you’re going to hear a lot of different things on what you should be concentrating on first. You should focus on…
Refunds suck. Plainly put, they hurt your cash flow and cause a major bout of self doubt. No business wants to believe that the products or…
Business plan competitions are a great way for students to get experience working on their idea and win resources to help develop it. While you may…