Public Relations- Will they work for your startup?

by / ⠀Entrepreneurship Startup Advice / April 1, 2014


Are you unaware about the role of Public Relations in strengthening a business enterprise? Are you unsure whether Public Relations ( PR ) would suit your start-up?

If you’ve answered a “Yes” for both the above questions then you’ve landed on the right post. Keep on reading to find how PR can solve all your business promotional problems instantly.

After paying heed to the ever-growing online business competition, it has become vital for every entrepreneur to focus on areas that can aid him/her in making the most out of internet. If you own a startup then this becomes even more essential because you’re already struggling with the initial stages of starting a business and your online visibility is next to zinch. It is here when the role of Public Relations agencies comes to play. The faster results delivered by PR executives make them a must-hire for every entrepreneur. In this blog, I’ll walk you through some of the most recognizable advantages of hiring a Public Relations agency, especially if you run a small-scale business firm.

What is PR (Public Relations)?

Public Relations solely deal in raising awareness of your company and brand. Quite unlike the usual advertising techniques, Public Relations make sure your business is being showcased to the people who are interested in learning more about you. While the advertising methods include posting blogs in directories, placing advertisements in newspapers/magazines/websites etc., PR affirms maximum reach of your business for free. Although a long-term business promotional strategy, PR serves as an excellent tool for building relationships that are worth numerous appreciations. 

As a startup, why choosing PR can turn to be your best decision?

Now, here’s a list of reasons that make PR (Public Relations) the most promising promotional strategy for start-up organizations:

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Reason No.1- Are you intending to share a personal story? PR will allow you to do it

Similar to millions and millions of struggling merchants, you also might be well interested in sharing your struggle stories with the world. PR(Public Relations) is what can help you do this. Hiring a reputed Public Relations agency will allow you to share your story as to how and why you started with the business, how you combated the challenges that came your way while setting up the business firm etc.

Reason No.2- Local audience will love to learn about your products and services

Unlike big companies, smaller business firms are better accepted by their local audience. The encouraging feedback received by this audience helps the firm in building a strong presence. No matter how restricted your budget is, a reputed Public Relations agency can go beyond limits to create maximum awareness for your brand. It will look into making your brand popular among the local community that is always on a look out for best brands.

Reason No.3- PR lets you know your customers better

Although you might have a clear idea about the kind of customers your brand needs to target, there are situations when you may find it tedious to reach out to the most suitable client. It is here where a PR agency comes to your rescue. Public Relations allow you to know your customers in a better manner. Whether it’s about establishing a regular follow up via emails, sending thank you notes or receiving comments on posts published on your company’s Facebook page, the PR people will take care of everything. These professionals are trained at “selling” a story to the press.

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Reason No.4- PR makes way for effective Event Planning

Events form a crucial aspect of every successful business enterprise. Although you might be well versed with the concept of event planning, hiring a professional Public Relations Company will allow you to organize an event that will help you establish your niche. The best part of choosing Public Relations for event planning is that you need not spend a whole lot of money. A lesser sum of cash can be effectively utilized by the PR professionals for strengthening your business network.

Reason No.5- Attracting positive publicity is simpler with PR services

In comparison to big business houses, small corporate firms have greater chances of attracting positive publicity. Additionally, if the small business enterprise hires a Public Relations executive then all the worries about receiving negative feedback and comments for company/products and services actually vanish off.

Public Relations- What makes it a powerful tool for improving a company’s sales

In addition to acting as a proven brand promotional tool, Public Relations also serves as an effective strategy for improving the overall sales. By familiarizing consumers about the kinds of products and services rendered by your company, Public Relations executive looks into positioning you in the market. He/she ensures to connect you with the targeted audience and builds a feeling of trust for your company/brand. The best part of Public Relations is that you can actually watch all the renowned bloggers, journalists, newspaper/magazine editors talking about your product and service offerings.

Make sure to select a Public Relations Company that’s well familiar with your Business Sector

In order to explore multiple advantages of Public Relations it is recommended to opt for a PR firm that specializes in your industry. This is crucial because only such a firm will be able to understand your company’s needs and goals in a much better manner. Also, a related PR Company will be able to analyze the areas where your products and services can be promoted for guaranteed audience attention.

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So, the answer for the question posed in the title is a “Yes”. Public Relations have and will continue to work wonders for your start-up organization. Simply hire a reputable Public Relations Services Company and witness how rapidly your business will be recognized worldwide. PR is the promotional technique that has something for everyone. You just need to take some time to think about which PR company will be able to meet your customized needs.

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Mike is a blogger by mood and web designer by profession. He gives ideas to convert WordPress template from PSD and loves to share his thoughts on social media. You can log in to his web to get various other conversion services.

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About The Author

Matt Wilson

Matt Wilson is Co-Founder of Under30Experiences, a travel company for young people ages 21-35. He is the original Co-founder of Under30CEO (Acquired 2016). Matt is the Host of the Live Different Podcast and has 50+ Five Star iTunes Ratings on Health, Fitness, Business and Travel. He brings a unique, uncensored approach to his interviews and writing. His work is published on, Forbes, Inc. Magazine, Huffington Post, Reuters, and many others. Matt hosts yoga and fitness retreats in his free time and buys all his food from an organic farm in the jungle of Costa Rica where he lives. He is a shareholder of the Green Bay Packers.


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