Administrative Overhead

by / ⠀ / March 11, 2024


Administrative overhead refers to the costs associated with the general operations of a business. These costs typically include expenses such as salaries of non-production employees, rent, utilities, and office supplies. They are considered fixed costs as they don’t vary with the level of production or sales.

Key Takeaways

  1. Administrative Overhead refers to expenses related to the day-to-day operations of a business, including utilities, rent, and office supplies. Unlike direct costs, such as raw materials or wages for production workers, administrative overhead is indirect and generally does not vary with changes in production.
  2. These costs play a significant role in the profitability of a company. High administrative overhead costs can drain cash flow and reduce profits, making it quite important for any business to find ways of reducing these indirect costs without affecting their operational efficiency or productivity.
  3. They are often neglected during budgeting or cost-cutting measures due to their indirect relation to production or services. However, effective management and reduction of administrative overhead can significantly improve a company’s financial health and competitive position.


Administrative overhead is a crucial finance term because it refers to expenses related to the management and general operations of a business, such as salaries of non-production employees, rent, utilities, and office supplies.

These expenses are important because they are necessary for businesses’ overall functioning but do not directly contribute to product creation or sales.

Understanding and controlling administrative overhead costs allows a company to gain a clear picture of its financial health, improve operating efficiency, and boost profits, making this term an essential aspect of business financial management.


Administrative overhead is a vital component within the operational structure of an organization as it covers the costs associated with the day-to-day running of a business. It facilitates the efficient execution of administrative tasks, ensuring that the organization can effectively operate and fulfill its business objectives.

This includes costs related to staff salaries, office supplies, utilities, maintenance of office infrastructure, insurance, and other administrative services. Thus, these costs are essentially the backbone of the organization, supporting the core business operations indirectly by providing necessary services and infrastructure.

Administrative overhead costs, while they do not contribute directly to the production or sales process, are indispensable for maintaining the business’s operational efficiency. These costs are used for management, human resources, technology, and other elements of the corporate structure that, while not directly contributing to profits, help create an environment in which the profit-generating departments can thrive.

Managing these costs is a crucial aspect of financial planning and performance management in any business because they have a significant impact on profitability and the efficient allocation of resources. While many view overhead costs as an expense to be minimized, it should be noted that they play a crucial role in maintaining the long-term integrity and efficiency of a business.

Examples of Administrative Overhead

Office Lease or Rent: This is an example of administrative overhead as it is a cost that is required for the day-to-day operations of a business. Even if there are no sales transactions in a month, the company has to bear the rent expenses for keeping its work space.

Salaries of Non-Production Staff: If a company hires people who are instrumental in running the business but do not directly contribute to the production process, such as human resource management, accounting staff, or IT support, their salaries or wages are considered as administrative overhead.

Utilities and Maintenance: These include costs such as electricity, water, and internet bills. Additionally, the cost of daily cleaning services and any minor repairs or upgrades to keep the office environment operational are part of the administrative overhead. Even basic office supplies like stationery can be counted under this. These are overhead costs because they are necessary for a functioning office but don’t directly contribute to the production of goods or services provided by the company.

FAQs about Administrative Overhead

What is Administrative Overhead?

Administrative Overhead refers to the costs associated with the general operations of a business. These may include costs for upper management, human resource departments, or facility maintenance. Unlike manufacturing or production overheads, these costs cannot be directly tied to the production of a specific product or service.

What Expenses are Included in Administrative Overhead?

Common examples of administrative overhead costs can include salaries of non-production employees, rent for office space, office supplies, insurance, professional service fees, and any costs related to maintaining office facilities.

How is Administrative Overhead Calculated?

Administrative Overhead is calculated by adding together all the indirect costs that are related to administrative activities. It excludes any costs that are directly related to production, marketing or sales.

Why is Managing Administrative Overhead Important?

Effectively managing administrative overhead is crucial for any business. High administrative overhead can reduce the profitability of a business. Therefore, minimizing these costs can help increase profits.

Related Entrepreneurship Terms

  • Fixed Costs
  • Indirect Expenses
  • Operational Expenses
  • Budget Management
  • Cost Accounting

Sources for More Information

  • Investopedia: This website provides information on thousands of financial terms, including Administrative Overhead.
  • Accounting Tools: If you’re looking for more detailed breakdowns and discussions of accounting and financial terms, this site is a great resource.
  • Entrepreneur: This site might provide a more practical, business-focused perspective on terms like Administrative Overhead.
  • The Balance: This website offers easy-to-understand articles on a wide range of personal finance concepts, including Administrative Overhead.

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