AGGREGATE Excel Function

by / ⠀ / March 11, 2024


The AGGREGATE Excel Function is a mathematical tool that allows users to perform different types of operations or calculations, such as average, sum, count, etc., on a dataset. It’s especially useful because it still works even when there are errors or hidden rows in the data. This function can apply 19 different methods/aggregations, providing better versatility for handling different types of calculations.

Key Takeaways

  1. The AGGREGATE Excel Function provides a way to perform different calculations such as count, average, min, max, etc., on a list or database. It’s incredibly versatile and allows for more flexible data analysis compared to standard functions like SUM or COUNT.
  2. The function is unique because it includes options to ignore hidden rows, error values, or nested SUBTOTAL and AGGREGATE functions. This makes it useful for dealing with large datasets that may include error values or irrelevant data points.
  3. The AGGREGATE function has two syntax forms: one for functions that ignore hidden rows and error values, and one for functions that only ignore hidden rows. This allows users more flexibility depending on their specific needs and the nature of the data they are handling.


The AGGREGATE Excel Function is significant in finance due to its diverse and robust capabilities for handling complex calculations.

It allows users to perform a multitude of operations such as averages, sums, counts, and much more, on a series of data.

With its options to ignore hidden rows, error values, and nested SUBTOTAL and AGGREGATE functions, it provides extensive flexibility in data analysis.

It enhances efficiency and precision in financial computations, making it a crucial tool for financial data management and decision making.

The ability to perform these various calculations simultaneously using one function reduces room for error, saves time, and ensures consistent, reliable results – which are all vital components in the field of finance.


The AGGREGATE excel function is mainly used for performing versatile calculations in versatile ways.

It is a comprehensive function that provides 19 types of operations related to mathematical and statistical calculations, which includes sum, average, median, mode, max, min, etc., providing a wide range of operations that can be used to analyze sets of data effectively.

Its ultimate goal is to help users analyze and interpret large pools of data to extract meaningful information.

The AGGREGATE function is specially designed to calculate data in a variety of forms, especially when the data has been filtered or comprises of hidden rows.

This uniqueness makes it an essential tool for financial analysts, statisticians, and anyone dealing with large data analysis as they can delete the irrelevant information first and then perform the required calculation on the essential data, adding convenience and efficiency to the analytical process.

Examples of AGGREGATE Excel Function

The AGGREGATE function in Excel is a very versatile function that allows you to perform different types of operations, like sum, count, average, min, max, etc., while allowing you to ignore hidden rows or error values. Here are three real-world examples of where you might use the AGGREGATE function:

Sales Analysis: If you have a large sales data spreadsheet that includes hidden rows or error values that you wish to exclude from your calculations, you could use AGGREGATE to calculate the total sales, the average sale, the maximum and minimum sale, among others.

Staffing & HR: The AGGREGATE function could be used in HR to calculate average employee age, total wages, or number of employees, while allowing you to exclude any rows that are hidden or contain error values (like employees still in their probation period or on leave).

Investment Performance: If you are assessing the performance of various investments and have data that includes occasional errors or hidden rows that you do not want to consider, the AGGREGATE function can be used to tell you the average rate of return, the maximum and minimum returns, or the count of investments above a certain threshold, among other statistics.

FAQs for AGGREGATE Excel Function

What is the AGGREGATE function in Excel?

The AGGREGATE function in Excel is a powerful formula that performs calculations (like sum, average, count, etc.) allowing you to ignore hidden rows, error values, nested SUBTOTAL and AGGREGATE functions.

How do I use the AGGREGATE function in Excel?

To use the AGGREGATE function, it requires at least three arguments (function number, options number, and at least one array or reference). This function takes the form: AGGREGATE(function_num, options, ref1, [ref2], …).

Can the AGGREGATE function ignore errors?

Yes, the AGGREGATE function in Excel can be set to ignore errors with the options argument of the function. An options number of 3, 4, 5, or 6 would ignore error values for the respective function.

What function numbers can be used with AGGREGATE?

The function numbers range from 1 to 19, and each corresponds to different functions. For example, 1 represents AVERAGE, 2 represents COUNT, 3 represents COUNTA, and so forth. Refer to Excel’s official documentation for the complete list of function numbers for the AGGREGATE function.

Related Entrepreneurship Terms

  • Summation: This is the action or process of adding something up or, in the case of a set of numbers, it refers to their cumulative total. SUM is a similar function to AGGREGATE in Excel, it adds all the numbers in a range of cells.
  • Array Function: The AGGREGATE Excel function is an array formula, meaning it can handle arrays of data as its input. An array formula performs multiple calculations and then returns either a single result or multiple results.
  • Average: Average is a term used in mathematics and statistics. In relevance to the AGGREGATE function, one of its operations is to calculate average of arguments.
  • Error Values: AGGREGATE function in Excel has the ability to ignore error values in the cell range specified while performing the calculations. This is a benefit over other simple functions like SUM, AVERAGE which do not ignore errors like #DIV/0!, #NAME? etc.
  • Subtotals: The AGGREGATE function can return subtotals from a list or database, much like the SUBTOTAL function, making it useful in creating complex criteria for summing or counting values. Subtotal directly relates to AGGREGATE as it allows you to add up all the values in a range or table.

Sources for More Information

  • Microsoft: Microsoft offers detailed documentation on how to use the AGGREGATE function in Excel.
  • Exceljet: This site provides clear, step-by-step examples of many Excel functions, including AGGREGATE.
  • Got It AI: This site offers tutorials on Excel functions, with the advantage of AI-based personalized learning paths.
  • This is an online workspace that integrates key workflow and collaboration tools, which include a rich set of Excel-compatible functions.

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