DV01 (Dollar Duration)

by / ⠀ / March 20, 2024


Dollar Duration, also known as DV01 (Dollar Value of 01), is a measure used in finance to indicate how much a bond’s market price is likely to change in response to a one basis point (0.01%) change in interest rates. It helps quantify the interest rate risk by showing the corresponding change in the market value of the bond for a small change in yield. DV01 is widely used by bond traders to assess the interest rate sensitivity of different bonds.

Key Takeaways

  1. DV01, also known as Dollar Duration, is a measure of the price sensitivity of a bond or a bond portfolio to a 1-basis point (0.01%) change in yield. It represents the change in market value of a bond for a 1 basis point change in yield, thus it is often used as a risk management tool that allows traders to assess interest rate risk.
  2. DV01 is a common method used by bond traders to gauge the price risk associated with bonds. This is particularly useful for bonds with embedded options such as callable bonds and putable bonds. A higher DV01 indicates a larger interest rate risk, as it shows that the bond’s price is more sensitive to changes in interest rates.
  3. DV01 can be calculated using the formula: DV01 = (Price(down) – Price(up)) / 2, where Price(up) and Price(down) are prices when yields are increased and decreased by 1 basis point respectively. This calculation helps to create a linear approximation of bond price changes in case of a small yield shift.


DV01, also known as Dollar Duration, is a crucial financial concept as it measures the approximate price change of a bond or a bond portfolio for each 1 basis point change in yield.

It serves as an essential tool for investors and traders because it provides a measure of the interest rate risk associated with bond investments.

Therefore, by calculating and understanding DV01, financial managers and investors can gain insight on the bond’s price sensitivity to changes in market interest rates, allowing them to manage their investment positions more effectively and hedge potential risks.

Thus, it plays a vital role in risk management and portfolio optimization.


DV01, also known as Dollar Duration, is a measurement used primarily by fixed-income traders to assess the impact of changes in the yield to maturity (interest rates) on the price of a bond or a portfolio of bonds. It quantifies the expected change in the market value of a bond with respect to a change in yield. In other words, it shows how much the market value of a bond or bond portfolio will change for a 1 basis point (0.01%) movement in yield.

Specifically, it is defined as the change in price (or market value) for each 0.01 change in yield. The purpose of DV01 is to provide a standardized measure of interest rate sensitivity. It assists traders in managing interest rate risk by providing an estimation of price changes due to interest rate movement.

DV01 can also be used to construct ‘risk-neutral’ or ‘duration-neutral’ investment strategies, by maintaining a DV01 exposure close to zero, thus, the overall portfolio’s value remains unaffected by small changes in interest rates. It helps in comparing the bond price volatility of different bonds or portfolios, hence assisting investors in their strategic decision-making process. It’s important to note that DV01 is not constant and tends to increase as the time to maturity of a bond stretches, signifying a higher price risk for long-term bonds compared to those with shorter maturities.

Examples of DV01 (Dollar Duration)

Investment in Bonds: Financial advisors or portfolio managers often use DV01 to measure the risk associated with fixed-income securities, such as bonds. For example, if a bond has a DV01 of $5, a one basis point increase in interest rates would reduce the bond’s value by $

Financial Instruments in Bank Portfolio: Banks and other financial institutions use DV01 to measure the interest rate risk of their financial instruments. For instance, if a bank has derivative contracts with a DV01 of $100,000, a

01% increase in short-term interest rates will cause the bank to lose $100,000 in value.

Hedge Funds: Hedge funds use DV01 to assess and manage portfolio risk. When managing a large portfolio with various types of securities, the hedge fund manager might look at the DV01 of the entire portfolio to understand how sensitive the portfolio’s value is to changes in interest rates. For example, if a hedge fund portfolio has a DV01 of $1 million, this would mean that for every basis point move, the portfolio’s value would change by $1 million. The manager would need to consider this in risk management and strategizing to hedge against potential losses.

FAQ for DV01 (Dollar Duration)

What is DV01?

DV01, also known as Dollar Duration, is a measure used to identify the effect a parallel 1 basis point change in yields would have on a bond’s market price. It serves as an important risk management tool in bond and bond portfolio trading.

How is DV01 calculated?

The calculation of DV01 involves differentiating the price-yield function of the bond, or by simply subtracting the price a bond would have if yields decreased by 1 basis point from the price it would have if yields increased by 1 basis point, and then averaging the two.

What are the uses of DV01?

DV01 is used by portfolio managers to help measure interest rate risk. It provides a good indication of the potential loss in value a bond or bond portfolio might experience for a small increase in yields.

What is the difference between DV01 and Modified Duration?

While both DV01 and Modified Duration are used to measure interest rate risk, DV01 provides the dollar change in a bond’s value for a 1 basis point change in yield, while Modified Duration provides the percentage change in a bond’s value for a 1% change in yield.

Related Entrepreneurship Terms

  • Yield Curve
  • Basis Point Value (BPV)
  • Interest Rate Risk
  • Bond Duration
  • Fixed Income Securities

Sources for More Information

  • Investopedia: A comprehensive online resource for finance and investment topics.
  • Bloomberg: A global information and technology company providing financial news, data and analysis.
  • Reuters: An international news organization with a broad coverage on finance and business topics.
  • CNBC: A leading provider of business and financial news, market data, and analysis.

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