English Auction

by / ⠀ / March 20, 2024


An English Auction, also known as an open ascending price auction, is a type of auction where the bid starts at a low price and is increased by subsequent bidders. The auction continues with the price being raised until no participant is willing to bid higher. The item is then sold to the highest bidder.

Key Takeaways

  1. An English Auction, often referred to as an open ascending price auction, is a popular auction model where online buyers openly bid against each other and everyone knows the highest bid at any given time.
  2. This approach encourages competition and works on the premise that one participant will eventually offer a bid that no other participant is prepared to beat, which in turn ends the auction.
  3. A key advantage of an English Auction is its inherent transparency, because every participant could see the current highest bid, make informed decisions, and increase their bid as desired.


The English Auction, also known as an open ascending price auction, plays a crucial role in financial transactions as it’s one of the most common and familiar methods of auctioning. It’s known for its transparency as the item’s price increases openly based on successive bids until no higher bid is offered.

This process creates competition among bidders, potentially leading to a higher final price for the seller. It’s also widely believed to promote fairness by ensuring everyone has the opportunity to bid and counter-bid based on real-time information.

Therefore, understanding the English Auction is fundamental for participants in numerous marketplaces, from art and antiques to treasury securities, and even online platforms like eBay.


An English Auction, one of the most common and popular auction formats, is predominantly used to optimize the selling price of a commodity or service. The purpose of this auction format is to foster competition among bidders, thus ensuring the item on sale achieves its maximum possible price.

This method of the auction is often chosen when the seller is unsure of the value of the item in the market or when it is presumed that the item may have substantial value to a particular group of buyers. Hence, by allowing the price to gradually increase through competitive bidding, sellers can ensure they are getting the most lucrative deal for their asset.

Moreover, English Auctions are also used to introduce transparency and fairness in the buying and selling process. Transparency is ensured as all participants are aware of the ongoing highest bid and have an equal opportunity to outbid it until the auctioneer’s final call.

This in turn also promotes fairness by ensuring that the item is sold to the person who values it the most. Consequently, English Auctions are widely used in sale of art, antique, certain types of real-estate, and even in Treasury bill auctions due to these advantages.

Examples of English Auction

eBay Auctions: eBay is a popular online platform where English Auctions take place. Here, sellers list their items with a starting bid and buyers compete by placing increasingly higher bids until the auction ends. At the end, the highest bidder pays for and obtains the item.

Auctioning Artwork: World-famous auction houses like Sotheby’s and Christie’s often use the English Auction format for selling claimed artwork, antiques, and collectibles. The auctioneer starts with a lower starting price and bidders compete against each other until the piece is sold to the highest bidder.

Real Estate Auctions: English Auctions are commonly used in selling real estate properties. As it begins, a bid is set and participants bid openly against one another, with each subsequent bid required to be higher than the previous bid. The auction ends when no participant is willing to bid further or a pre-determined “buy-out” price is reached, and the highest bid, thus, ends up winning the property.

FAQs about English Auction

What is an English Auction?

An English Auction, also known as an open ascending price auction, is a type of auction in which participants openly bid against each other, with each subsequent bid required to be higher than the previous bid.

How does an English Auction work?

In an English Auction, the auctioneer begins with a high asking price, which is lowered till the first participant is willing to accept the auctioneer’s price. This participant stays in at this bid and then competitors may, one at a time, raise the bid. The auction ends when no participant is willing to bid further or when a pre-determined end time is reached.

Where does the term English Auction come from?

The English Auction gets its name from its origins in the English countryside, where it was popularly used in the sale of goods and livestock. Today, it’s the most common form of auction used around the world for various types of goods.

What are the advantages of an English Auction?

English Auction encourages competition and thus drives up the final bid price. It is also transparent and fair, as all bidders have the same information and the item goes to the person who values it the most.

What are the disadvantages of an English Auction?

A downside of English Auctions is that it can lead to over-bidding or ‘winner’s curse’, where the winning bidder pays more than the intrinsic value of the item. It can also sometimes prevent serious bidders from participating if they perceive the competition to be too intense.

Related Entrepreneurship Terms

  • Bidder
  • Winning Bid
  • Reserve Price
  • Ascending Bidding
  • Auctioneer

Sources for More Information

  • Investopedia: This site offers definitions and simplifications of diverse economic terms, and provides detailed articles on finance-related topics.
  • Corporate Finance Institute: It provides online courses and resources about a wide array of finance subjects like financial modeling, valuation, and other financial analysis topics.
  • Britannica: An online encyclopedia where users can search for topics like English Auction and read detailed articles about them.
  • Economics Online: This site offers information on a range of economics and finance subjects, helping to understand financial concepts better.

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