Entrepreneurship vs Management

by / ⠀ / March 20, 2024


Entrepreneurship refers to the process of initiating a new business or startup, involving risks and investment, with the intent of making a profit. Management, on the other hand, is the ongoing process of organizing and managing resources within an existing business or organization to ensure efficiency and effectiveness. While both involve overseeing business operations, entrepreneurship often involves more risk and innovation while management focuses on maintaining stability and productivity.

Key Takeaways

  1. Entrepreneurship refers to the creation or extraction of value. As such, it’s the ability to establish a new business venture while taking on most of the risks in pursuit of profit. On the other hand, Management is the act of controlling, organizing, and administrating an established business venture for its betterment and profitability.
  2. Entrepreneurs are risk-takers who initiate a business idea and navigate through financial risk to earn profit. Managers, however, are responsible for executing and implementing the entrepreneur’s idea in practicality, internal business control, planning, and operational activities.
  3. Entrepreneurship is more innovation-oriented and comes with high risks and high returns, while management is more about maintaining stability and efficiency in an already established system with relatively low risk and returns.


Entrepreneurship and management are critical concepts in finance as they embody two sides of business operations, yet their distinctive roles are vital for the success of any business.

An entrepreneur usually initiates a business idea, shoulders the inherent risk, and operates with a vision focused on market opportunity and innovative strategies, allowing for dynamic growth and financial profitability.

On the other hand, management involves directing and controlling resources and personnel of a business in a systematic and organized manner, focusing on efficiency, business stability and incremental improvements.

The balance and interplay between entrepreneurship and management are significant as they influence the strategic direction, financial performance, organizational culture, operational efficiency, and long-term sustainability of a business.


The purpose of entrepreneurship primarily lies in innovation, value creation, and achieving a competitive edge in the market. Entrepreneurs are risk takers who dive headfirst into a business landscape with a unique idea, willing to challenge the status quo and disrupt the market to achieve their vision. This could be through creating a new product, service, or way of doing things, or improving upon existing ones.

The ultimate goal of entrepreneurship is to create value in terms of financial gains, but it could also be social impact, influence in a specific industry, or transforming a small startup into a giant corporation. On the other hand, management’s key purpose revolves around effectively controlling, organizing, and leading an already existing organization or division. Managers are typically more risk averse and operate within the bounds of the established framework of the company.

The goal of management is to ensure efficient operation, guide team members towards achieving the organization goals, and maintaining a steady path of profitability and growth. Managers use their administrative and leadership skills to maximize resource efficiency, improve team performance, and make strategic decisions for the betterment of the company. While they might not be the ones to start a business, they are crucial to sustaining and growing it.

Examples of Entrepreneurship vs Management

Steve Jobs and Tim Cook (Apple): Steve Jobs was the entrepreneur who co-founded Apple and came up with revolutionary products like the iPhone, iPad, and iPod. His focus was on innovation and he was definitely a risk-taker. After Jobs passed away, Tim Cook took over as the CEO. Cook, while continuing to innovate, is viewed more as a manager. He has focused on operational efficiency, supply chain management, and incrementally improving the company’s existing product line.

Bill Gates and Satya Nadella (Microsoft): Bill Gates is the entrepreneur who started Microsoft. He was the driving force behind the revolution of personal computers and created an entire OS market with Windows. He took a lot of risks and navigated through various legal challenges. Satya Nadella, the current CEO of Microsoft, while being innovative, is often seen as more of a manager. He has strategically realigned Microsoft’s focus towards cloud-based services (Azure) and Office 365, which demonstrates more of a management role.

Richard Branson (Virgin Group) and Jim Kavanaugh (World Wide Technology): Richard Branson is a well-known entrepreneur who has started various companies under the Virgin brand, including Virgin Atlantic, Virgin Mobile, and Virgin Galactic. His focus is on entrepreneurship and innovation, and he believes in taking calculated risks. In contrast, Jim Kavanaugh, the CEO of World Wide Technology, is known for his excellent management skills. Under his leadership, the company has consistently grown and expanded. He focuses on strategizing and making data-driven decisions, which is characteristic of a manager.

FAQ: Entrepreneurship vs Management

What is Entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurship is the act of creating a business while building and scaling it to generate a profit. It is more about creating a business and the path to achieve your vision, needing the ability to quickly adapt to changes and opportunities in the market.

What is Management?

Management refers to the organization and coordination of the activities of a business in order to achieve certain objectives. It involves organizing, planning, directing, coordinating, and controlling resources such as human, financial, intellectual and physical in order to achieve organizational goals.

What are the key differences between Entrepreneurship and Management?

The key differences between the two lie in the role, risk and motivation. An entrepreneur is a risk-taker and initiates the idea for a business project and obtains the necessary resources, thus bearing the risk and enjoying the returns. However, a manager is an employee who is responsible for planning, directing, and overseeing the operations of the organization. While managers help to stabilize and keep systems in check, entrepreneurs push for new changes and innovation.

Can you be both an Entrepreneur and a Manager?

Yes, it is possible to be both an Entrepreneur and a Manager. In many small businesses and start-ups, the owner often plays both roles. However, as businesses grow the roles usually become more specialized.

What skills are required for Entrepreneurship and Management?

Entrepreneurs usually require skills such as risk-taking, resilience, innovation and adaptability, vision, persuasiveness and the ability to sell an idea or product. On the other hand, Management skills include strategic thinking, resource planning, leadership, problem-solving, decision making, and communication skills.

Related Entrepreneurship Terms

  • Business Startup
  • Risk Management
  • Leadership Styles
  • Capital Investment
  • Strategic Decision-making

Sources for More Information

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