Growth Stock

by / ⠀ / March 21, 2024


A growth stock refers to the stock of a company that is expected to grow at an above-average rate compared to other companies in the market. These stocks usually don’t pay dividends, as the companies typically reinvest their earnings to accelerate growth in the short to medium term. The investors buy growth stocks with the hope that they will earn money through capital gains when they sell the stocks.

Key Takeaways

  1. Growth stocks are shares in companies that are anticipated to grow at an above-average rate compared to other companies in the market.
  2. Often, growth stocks do not pay dividends as companies prefer to reinvest their earnings for future growth. So, the main way investors can earn money from growth stocks is through capital gains when the stock’s price increases.
  3. While growth stocks can offer high reward potential, they also come with high risk as they are often more volatile than other types of stocks, and their success is largely based on the company’s future performance which may or may not occur as projected.


Growth stocks are an important concept in finance because they represent shares in companies that are anticipated to grow at an above-average rate compared to other companies in the market.

Investors are drawn to growth stocks as they offer higher potential returns; even though they may not pay dividends, the expectation is that capital gains from the increasing stock price will provide a substantial return on investment.

Therefore, understanding growth stocks is crucial when constructing a portfolio, as these stocks can significantly contribute to its potential for appreciation.

However, they also tend to have higher volatility and can lead to greater losses, hence knowledge of growth stocks is vital in assessing risk-return tradeoff in investment strategies.


Growth stocks are key instruments for investors looking for capital appreciation. These are the shares in companies that are anticipated to grow at an above-average rate compared to other companies in the market.

It’s an attractive investment avenue as it allows investors to potentially generate significant returns through the increase of share prices over time. Since these businesses typically prioritize re-investing their earnings over distributing them as dividends, growth stocks have the potential to offer higher returns in a booming economy or during periods of low interest rates.

The primary purpose of investing in growth stocks is to achieve capital gains as opposed to dividends. These stocks serve as a promising means for investors who are willing to take higher risks for higher returns.

As these companies typically belong to sectors associated with new, fast-growing industries, they are used to leverage trends, innovation, and future market potential. However, it’s important to note that the same high-growth potential makes these stocks more volatile, and thus, they are best suited for those who can endure market fluctuations.

Examples of Growth Stock

Amazon Inc.: Starting as a humble online bookstore, this growth stock saw its revenues increase considerably as it expanded into a variety of other sectors, such as cloud computing, digital streaming, and artificial intelligence. Long-term investors have gained substantial returns from Amazon’s stock growth.

Tesla Inc.: This is another great example of a growth stock. The electric vehicle and clean energy company Tesla has seen substantial growth, especially in recent years. Despite being unprofitable for many years, forward-thinking investors bet on Tesla’s future growth, resulting in significant returns.

Netflix Inc.: This company has transformed the way people consume television shows and movies, transitioning from a DVD rental company to a streaming behemoth producing its own content. Despite fierce competition in the online streaming market, Netflix has continuously increased its subscriber base, showing constant growth in its stock price over time.

Growth Stock FAQ

1. What is a growth stock?

A growth stock refers to the stock of a company that is expected to increase in value at an above-average rate compared to other stocks in the market. Growth stocks typically do not pay dividends, as the companies often reinvest retained earnings in capital projects.

2. How do you identify a growth stock?

Identifying a growth stock involves looking at factors such as earnings growth, market conditions, sector leadership, financial health among others. A good rule of thumb is to look for companies with high earnings growth rates and strong future earnings potential.

3. Can growth stocks be risky?

While growth stocks have the potential for substantial returns, they also come with higher risk. This is because the value of the stock is heavily tied to the company’s future earnings performance, which is hard to predict. If the company fails to meet these expectations, the stock’s value may decrease.

4. What’s the difference between a growth stock and value stock?

Growth stocks are companies with above-average growth prospects, and typically do not pay dividends. In contrast, value stocks are shares in a company that are deemed to be undervalued by the market, and typically pay dividends. Investing in value stocks is seen as a safer, more conservative strategy, whereas investing in growth stocks can be potentially risky but with higher returns.

5. Are growth stocks good for beginners?

Investing in growth stocks could be a good strategy for beginners, as it does offer the potential for significant returns. However, because of the higher potential risk, it’s also important for beginners to do their research and possibly consult with a financial advisor before investing in growth stocks.

Related Entrepreneurship Terms

  • Capital Appreciation
  • Earnings Per Share
  • Price/Earnings Ratio
  • Dividend Payout Ratio
  • Market Capitalization

Sources for More Information

  • Investopedia – A comprehensive online resource dedicated to investing and personal finance education.
  • The Motley Fool – A financial and investing advice company that provides a range of services, including stock research.
  • CNBC – A recognized world leader in business news providing real-time financial market coverage and business content.
  • Bloomberg – Another global leader in business and financial information, delivering news, analysis, and market data.

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