Illinois CPA Exam and License Requirements

by / ⠀ / March 21, 2024


The Illinois CPA Exam and License Requirements refer to the specific qualification conditions set by the Illinois Board of Examiners for individuals pursuing a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) license in the state of Illinois. These requirements typically include a minimum educational requirement (such as a bachelor’s degree and a specific number of hours in accounting courses), successful completion of the Uniform CPA examination, and a specified amount of work experience in public accounting. The goal of these standards is to ensure that CPAs in Illinois possess the necessary knowledge and skills to practice effectively.

Key Takeaways

  1. The Illinois CPA Exam requirements necessitate candidates to have at least a bachelor’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited university or college. In addition, they need to accumulate a minimum of 150 semester hours of college education.
  2. Along with the educational credentials, candidates must possess at least 1 year, equivalent to 2000 hours, of paid or unpaid work experience in public accounting, industry, government, or academia which is signed off by a licensed CPA.
  3. Lastly, once the exam is passed and the work experience is verified, candidates can apply for the CPA license in Illinois. They are also required to complete a course and examination on ethics, specifically the AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants) course, prior to obtaining the license.


The finance term “Illinois CPA Exam and License Requirements” is important because it refers to the specific criteria that individuals must meet to become a Certified Public Accountant in Illinois.

This includes guidelines for education, professional exams, ethical standards, and experience in the field of accounting.

These requirements ensure that the individual is fully prepared and possesses adequate knowledge and skills to provide high-quality financial services within the accounting field.

Meeting these standards is crucial not only to uphold the professional reputation and integrity of the accounting industry, but also to ensure the public’s trust in these financial professionals, who handle sensitive financial data and transactions.


The Illinois CPA Exam and License Requirements refer to the set of qualifications that an individual must meet to become a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) in the state of Illinois. The purpose of these requirements is to ensure that anyone who acquires this professional designation possesses adequate knowledge, skills, and ethical standards to competently practice public accounting.

By complying with these regulations, aspiring CPAs demonstrate their commitment to upholding the highest professional standards, thereby instilling confidence and trust in their prospective clients and the wider public. The CPA licensure process involves meeting educational, examination, and experience prerequisites defined by the Illinois Board of Examiners (ILBOE). This includes gaining a minimum of 150 semester hours of college education with specified accounting and business coursework, successfully passing the Uniform CPA Examination, and acquiring relevant work experience in the field of accounting.

Furthermore, the prospective CPAs are expected to exhibit good moral character and adhere to the state’s rules and regulations. The rigorousness of this process ensures that only the most qualified individuals earn the CPA designation, reinforcing the reliability of the profession and the quality of service it provides.

Examples of Illinois CPA Exam and License Requirements

Example 1: A recent college graduate with a major in accounting is preparing to take the Illinois CPA Exam. She has completed her bachelor’s degree program which included 150 semester hours of college education, with an accounting concentration. Now she is considering the ethics exam requirement which will also be important for obtaining her license in Illinois.

Example 2: An accountant working for a large corporation in Chicago with three years of working experience in another state, is planning to get her CPA license in Illinois. Since she already has her four years of college education, she has to make sure her education and experience meet the Illinois requirements, which include the completion of a bachelor’s degree or higher, 150 semester credit hours with an accounting concentration, the Uniform CPA Exam, and an ethics examination.

Example 3: A mid-career professional in Illinois, who completed his bachelor’s degree in finance years ago, now wants to transition into accounting. In order to become a Certified Public Accountant, he enrolls himself back into school to complete the additional semester hours needed to meet the 150-hour requirement. He also starts preparing to take the Uniform CPA Exam and the ethics examination as per the requirements set forth by the Illinois Board of Examiners.

FAQ: Illinois CPA Exam and License Requirements

What are the Education Requirements for the Illinois CPA Exam?

The Illinois Board of Examiners (ILBOE) requires that candidates have at least a bachelor’s degree and 150 semester credits. These credits should include 24 semester hours of accounting courses and 24 semester hours of business courses.

What are the Residency Requirements for the Illinois CPA Exam?

There’s no residency requirement to sit for the CPA exam in Illinois. This means you can be a resident of any of the 50 U.S. states, live abroad, or even be a resident alien and still apply for the Illinois CPA exam.

What is the Experience Requirement for Illinois CPA License?

The ILBOE requires one year of supervised experience in government, industry, academia or public practice. This experience must verified by a licensed CPA and needs to include providing any type service or advice involving the use of accounting, attest, compilation, management advisory, financial advisory, tax or consulting skills.

How much does it cost to take the CPA Exam in Illinois?

The cost to sit for all four sections of the CPA exam in Illinois is $743.80. This includes an application fee of $120 for three or more sections, plus an examination fee that ranges from $193.45 to $208.40 per section.

How often can I take the CPA Exam in Illinois?

You can take each section of the CPA Exam once per testing window. There are four testing windows each year. If you don’t pass a section, you can retake it in the next window. If you pass a section, you cannot retake that section in the same window.

Related Entrepreneurship Terms

  • Educational Requirements: The specific degree, courses, and credits an individual must have completed in order to be eligible to sit for the Illinois CPA Exam.
  • Experience Requirements: The amount and type of professional experience a person needs to obtain a CPA license in Illinois.
  • Illinois Board of Examiners: The organization responsible for administering the CPA exam and license requirements in Illinois.
  • Ethics Exam: A necessary step in obtaining licensure where a person must pass an ethics examination designed to test their understanding of professional ethics in the field of accounting.
  • Illinois CPA Application Process: The procedures regarding how to apply for and schedule the Illinois CPA exam and subsequently, the CPA license.

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