Pennsylvania CPA Exam and License Requirements

by / ⠀ / March 22, 2024


The term “Pennsylvania CPA Exam and License Requirements” refers to the set of criteria or qualifications one must meet in order to sit for the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam and obtain a license to practice as a CPA in the state of Pennsylvania. These requirements often pertain to educational background, work experience, and mandatory trainings or examinations. The specifics of these requirements can vary and are defined by the Pennsylvania State Board of Accountancy.

Key Takeaways

  1. The Pennsylvania CPA Exam requires a bachelor’s degree at minimum, with at least 24 semester hours in accounting related subjects. This is different from most states which require 150 semester hours and may imply slightly simpler entry requirements.
  2. The state of Pennsylvania requires its candidates to accumulate 1,600 hours of experience in public accounting under a licensed Certified Public Accountant (CPA). This work experience is critical for the Pennsylvania CPA license.
  3. The Pennsylvania CPA License, once earned, requires ongoing maintenance. CPAs in Pennsylvania must complete 80 hours of continuing professional education every two years, including a minimum of 20 hours each year and a four-hour ethics course every two years.


The finance term “Pennsylvania CPA Exam and License Requirements” is crucial because it outlines the necessary qualifications for becoming a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) in Pennsylvania.

Understanding these requirements is vital for those pursuing a career in accounting, as qualifying choices such as educational background, exam preparations, and ethical standards are determined by these standards.

These requirements moreover ensure that all CPAs have the necessary knowledge and skills to serve the public effectively.

Hence, anyone interested in a CPA career must adhere and meet these requirements for licensure, signifying a commitment to professional standards, ethics, and continued competency through lifelong learning.


The Pennsylvania CPA Exam and License Requirements refer to the set of regulations put in place by the Pennsylvania State Board of Accountancy that any aspiring Certified Public Accountant (CPA) must meet in order to practice this profession within the state. These requirements are designed to ensure that anyone wishing to become a CPA in Pennsylvania has the appropriate level of knowledge and expertise to provide high-standard accounting services.

They form part of the regulatory framework that exists to uphold the quality, reliability, and consistency of financial reporting and auditing activities within the state, thereby promoting transparency and trust among businesses and the public in the state’s financial systems. In practical terms, these requirements are used as a benchmark for professional qualification.

They involve specific educational criteria, which typically include obtaining a certain number of credit hours in accounting and related subjects, and passing the Uniform CPA Examination, which is a comprehensive and rigorous test of one’s accounting knowledge and skills. Additionally, there are also often experience requirements, meaning that a candidate must accrue a specific amount of work experience within the accounting field before they can become fully licensed.

Together, these requirements ensure that Pennsylvania CPAs are well-equipped to manage complex accounting tasks and can utilize their skills to contribute positively to the financial activities of businesses and individuals within the state.

Examples of Pennsylvania CPA Exam and License Requirements

Example 1: Jennifer, a recent graduate from a Pennsylvanian university with 150 semester hours of college education, wishes to become a CPA in Pennsylvania. She is ready to undertake the CPA examination, but before doing so, she must meet Pennsylvania’s CPA Exam and License Requirements. These involve having completed 24 semester hours in accounting subjects and having the required amount of experience in public accounting.

Example 2: John, an accounting professional in Pennsylvania, is preparing to sit for his CPA exam but is unable to meet the state’s CPA Exam and License Requirements due to insufficient work experience. He has the educational qualifications but his lack of professional experience prevents him from taking the CPA exam.

Example 3: Sarah, an accountant from New York, decides to move to Pennsylvania. Prior to her shift, she discovers that the Pennsylvania CPA Exam and License Requirements are different from those in New York. She must ensure she has completed 24 credit hours in accounting courses along with having good work experience in the field. If Sarah doesn’t meet these, she will have to obtain further courses or work experience before she qualifies for the Pennsylvania CPA exam.

Pennsylvania CPA Exam and License Requirements

What are the educational requirements to sit for the CPA exam in Pennsylvania?

The Pennsylvania State Board of Accountancy requires candidates to complete 150 semester hours of college education, including a bachelor’s degree or higher, and 24 semester credits each in accounting, business, and accounting-related subjects.

Are there any residency requirements?

No, Pennsylvania does not have a residency requirement for the CPA exam.

What is the age requirement?

There is no minimum age requirement to sit for the CPA Exam in Pennsylvania.

Are there any experience requirements for getting a CPA License in Pennsylvania?

Yes, the Pennsylvania State Board of Accountancy requires CPA candidates to complete 1 year (1,600 hours) of experience in public accounting or related field under the supervision of a licensed CPA.

How do I apply for the CPA exam in Pennsylvania?

You have to submit an application to take the exam through the Pennsylvania State Board of Accountancy. The board requires that you submit official transcripts from all educational institutions you’ve attended, as well as the application fee.

When and where are the CPA exams held in Pennsylvania?

The CPA exams are held at Prometric testing centers throughout the state. The exams are offered in four testing windows each year.

How do I prepare for the CPA exam in Pennsylvania?

There are many resources available for CPA exam prep, including CPA review courses, study guides, and practice tests. It’s recommended that you spend a significant amount of time studying for each section of the exam.

Related Entrepreneurship Terms

  • Educational Requirements for Pennsylvania CPA
  • Pennsylvania CPA Exam Eligibility
  • Pennsylvania CPA Ethics Exam
  • Pennsylvania CPA Work Experience Requirements
  • License Renewal for Pennsylvania CPA

Sources for More Information

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