SendKeys in VBA

by / ⠀ / March 23, 2024


SendKeys in VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) is not a finance term but a programming command. It is used to programmatically simulate keystrokes and send specific keyboard commands to the computer, effectively automating manual keyboard inputs. This allows for more efficient execution of tasks in applications like Microsoft Excel.

Key Takeaways

  1. SendKeys in VBA is a method used to send keystrokes to the active application to automate certain manual tasks.
  2. This method can be beneficial by saving time and making your tasks more efficient, but it requires a detailed understanding of the sequence of keystrokes to avoid any errors or unwelcome outcomes.
  3. It’s critical to be aware that SendKeys in VBA can be quite sensitive, meaning that mistakes can easily occur if the proper care and precision are not executed. It can cause issues if the targeted application is not active or if a wrong key sequence is sent.


The SendKeys method in VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) is significant in finance for automating tasks and increasing efficiency.

This function emulates key press sequences, streamlining complex tasks that involve various inputs.

For instance, it can expedite repetitive data entry jobs, thereby saving time, reducing errors, and enhancing productivity.

It is especially useful in financial modeling, where it can be used to feed in data, execute commands, or manipulate data with high accuracy, thus supporting swift and effective decision-making.

However, it must be used meticulously as it may cause unexpected results if misused.


SendKeys in VBA, known as Visual Basic for Applications, is a method used to automate activities on a computer. Essentially, it is utilized to programmatically send one or more keystrokes to the active window as if they were typed from the keyboard.

SendKeys is an important part of VBA’s automation capabilities, with its purpose being to interact with and control applications that have not been designed for automation. This feature is frequently used when working with Microsoft Office applications like Excel, Word, or Access where there are certain actions or commands that aren’t accessible through the basic VBA object model.

SendKeys can simulate keystrokes and combinations thereof to activate menu items, press buttons on toolbars, or even type text into fields. The purpose is to allow flexibility and enhance functionality in VBA programming, particularly when dealing with tasks like filling in forms or automating certain actions in software.

However, it’s important to note that SendKeys should be used judiciously as it may lead to unexpected results if the wrong windows or fields are active during its execution.

Examples of SendKeys in VBA

The term “SendKeys” in VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) refers to a method used to send keystrokes, or keyboard input, to the active application from a VBA program. SendKeys can be useful in automating user input and repetitive tasks in various applications. However, talking about it in the context of finance might seem a bit off because ‘SendKeys’ is more of a programming term than a financial term.Nonetheless, if you’re interested in real world examples that combine financial activities and SendKeys method, here they are:

Automating Data Entry: In the world of finance, professionals often work with large spreadsheets. For repetitive tasks like data entering, VBA with SendKeys can be used for automation. For example, a VBA script could be written to automatically open a ‘Bank Transactions Report’, and navigate through the rows and columns, entering specific values calculated from a separate data set.

Navigation through Financial Software: Some financial software applications may not provide a convenient API for automation, and in these cases, a VBA script could be written to emulate user interaction instead. This could include logging in, navigating menus, filling in forms, or any other task a human operator might perform. SendKeys is often used to emulate keyboard input in these scripts.

Automated Report Generation: In finance sector, daily or weekly report generation is a common requirement. For example, a financial analyst might need to generate a profit-and-loss report at the end of each week, pulling data from various sources, consolidating it, and performing calculations on it. Instead of doing this manually, a VBA macro making use of SendKeys could be used to automate the process. This can involve opening relevant files, copying data, pasting it into the report, and performing required calculations. Please note that while SendKeys can be useful, it generally isn’t the most reliable or efficient way to automate tasks due to its dependence on the specific layout and behavior of the application interface. If the interface changes (for example, due to a software update), the SendKeys script may stop working correctly.

FAQ for SendKeys in VBA

What is SendKeys in VBA?

SendKeys is a method in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) that can simulate keystrokes on the computer keyboard. It can be useful in automating tasks, such as pressing keys in sequence or combination, which would otherwise require manual intervention.

How do I use SendKeys in VBA?

To use SendKeys in VBA, you will need to use the SendKeys statement. This statement takes a string expression containing the keystroke or keystrokes you want to send. For example: ‘SendKeys “Hello, World!”‘ would type “Hello, World!” in the active window.

What are the limitations of SendKeys in VBA?

SendKeys in VBA has a few limitations. For example, the keys it can simulate are limited to the standard keyboard keys. Also, it may not work as expected in some applications, especially those that are not in focus or those that have been programmed to ignore or modify the keystrokes they receive.

Can I send function keys using SendKeys in VBA?

Yes, you can send function keys using SendKeys in VBA. Each function key is represented by a special code. For example, to send F1, you would use the code “{F1}”. Similarly, to send ALT+TAB, you would use the code “%{TAB}”.

What is the alternative to SendKeys in VBA?

If SendKeys does not meet your needs, you might explore using more powerful automation tools, such as Windows Automation API or third-party libraries. These tools often provide more reliable and flexible input simulation than SendKeys.

Related Entrepreneurship Terms

  • VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)
  • Macro Programming
  • SendKeys Method in VBA
  • Keystroke Simulation in VBA
  • Excel VBA Automation

Sources for More Information

  • Microsoft Documentation: The official Microsoft docs have a section on the SendKeys statement in VBA that dives deep into the topic.
  • Excel Easy: This website has tutorials and examples related to various aspects of Excel VBA programming, including the SendKeys method.
  • TechOnTheNet: An online tech resource providing explanations and examples for a range of VBA methods and statements, including SendKeys.
  • Stack Overflow: A community-based platform where developers ask questions and receive answers – their archive likely contains practical advice on using SendKeys in VBA.

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