Tips for Scaling Your Business from Small to Medium Sized

by / ⠀Finding Customers Startup Advice / May 30, 2022

Everyone hopes for their startup to be a success. But the initial years are all dedicated to survival. Very few startups survive long enough for the owner to think about scaling. But here’s the problem. Small business owners are so fixated on surviving that they don’t think about scaling.

The thing is, if you focus on your business growth, there’s a better chance of your company’s survival. Additionally, business scaling will also give you a secure and stable financial future.

The question is, how to manage it? How to scale your business and pave the way for transitioning your business from small- to medium-sized? Luckily, there are ways you can achieve the next milestone smoothly.

Scaling Your Business: Here’s What To Do

growing business

The goal is to take your business to the next level and increase revenue. You can’t survive on a sustenance level for long. Ultimately, you need to take the plunge.

We get it! You’re scared of losing it all. But there are some tips that can ensure your survival as you work towards scaling your business.

Don’t Lose Your Existing Customers

Of course, attracting new customers is mandatory for scaling. But that’s not all. Keep in mind that your existing customers also have a crucial role in increasing your sales. So it’s not only about attracting new customers but ensuring customer retention as well.

Customers who have dealt with your company once will more likely return if they are satisfied with what you offer. If you are interested in scaling your business, set up marketing systems to encourage one-time customers to come back time and again.

It’s vital to strike a balance. Retain old customers while also acquiring new ones and your business will witness the growth you wanted.

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Referrals are Invaluable for Scaling

Naturally, your business cannot get to the next level if you don’t get new customers your way. And no marketing strategy works better than having your current customers speak positively of you.

So ask for referrals from your current customers unabashedly. Remember, these customers are a part of your target market. Hence, they are bound to know more people in your target audience too. You can access potential customers with their assistance.

A lot of companies believe if they are good enough, people will always refer others their way. This is not always true. You have to seek referrals actively if you want to transition from a small- to medium-sized business.

Keep a Check on Your Budget for Scaling

budgeting to grow

We realize a small business bears many expenses. However, you need to have enough set aside for scaling your business too. It wouldn’t do much good to your business if you expand it but fail to contain your costs. This wouldn’t leave you any money to invest in your business to take it to the next stage.

Even as your strategies are focused on scaling, make sure that you don’t forget to pay heed to the costs of running your business. It’s best to lower your expenses as much as possible to keep the cash flow going for your business growth, especially. You can cut costs by improving your inventory and getting rid of low-performing services.

Of course, you can’t cut costs if it affects customer service in any way. Even if you manage to save money short-term via this route, it will ultimately backfire.

Scaling Your Business with Enough Market Reach

Scaling business wouldn’t be possible without attracting new customers. Perhaps now is the time to widen your target audience.

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Make your business accessible to more people. Focus on attracting a new demographic. Promote a new side of your products and services which will encourage more customers to purchase them.

You have to expand your market. Especially since this will increase sales and also stabilize your business model. However, relying on one type of target audience limits your business growth, so it’s best to reach out, taking one step at a time.

Become a Leader in a Niche Market

If your small business isn’t suited for expanding into new markets, you don’t have to give up your dream of scaling into a medium-sized business. Instead, shift all your focus to a single niche. This is your time to become the big fish in a small pond.

Analyze the market and identify a set of customers whose needs aren’t catered to. This is your niche. You have to figure out how to meet their requirements and provide them with the products and services they are looking for.

Don’t Overlook Franchising as an Option

If you want to grow your small business quickly, you shouldn’t overlook franchising as a potential expansion opportunity. If you work with the right people, this will allow you to grow your business on a budget. If you are new to franchising, it is best to consider using a trustworthy franchise consultancy like Infinity Business Growth Network, which has grown several brands through franchising.

This will speed up the process of your small business pushing to become a medium-sized business. Franchising will also open up opportunities for international expansion, which could be considered later down the line once you have accomplished your goals of becoming a medium-sized business.

Diversification is the Key to Scaling Your Business

You cannot expect your small business to grow into a medium-sized one if you don’t have anything new to offer.

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With time, you have to offer something new to your customers. Figure out the products and services related to what you offer. Identify new market segments.

Confused? Let’s give you an example. Let’s say there’s an artist who sells his paintings online. With time, he can start selling frames alongside too. Altogether, this will attract even more customers and give his business a new touch.

Work on Your Strategy


Your growth strategy determines how your small business is going to progress. You have to work on the growth strategy suited to your business and make full use of the available resources.

Figure out what your company needs to get to the next level. Be clear about your financial requirements. How much time and expertise do you need? What are your business goals? And what’s your current standing in the market? The answer to these questions will help you come up with the right strategy for your business.

Nothing Works for Everyone

There are no tips or strategies that will appeal to all business owners. Also, business scaling is tricky, especially for small businesses that have barely started.

However, you have to strike when the iron is hot. If you continue struggling to keep your business afloat, it will never grow. Instead, you have to start thinking about taking your business to the next level from the very beginning.

About The Author


Tauseeq Magsi has been a writing geek for the past six years. He has written about Tech, Finance, Leadership, Business, and more. He loves helping others achieve their goals, and he hopes to continue helping people through his writing for many years to come. In addition to writing, Tauseeq Magsi loves to travel and learn new things.


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