Do you feel like you’re constantly battling against an oppressive and toxic work environment? Is it causing physical or mental health problems, or is it just not stimulating your creative side? If you are feeling this way, it might be time to evaluate your situation and decide whether or not to stay or leave.
Toxic work environments can make employees feel undervalued and disconnected, ultimately leading to high turnover rates. When employees decide to leave such workplaces, maintaining professionalism while adding a lighthearted touch can help ease the transition. Incorporating humorous farewell messages in goodbye emails or farewell speeches can bring some levity to the situation, allowing employees to part on a positive note despite past challenges. A little humor can go a long way in fostering goodwill and softening the departure process, even in the most difficult workplaces.
It can be daunting to stand up to your co-workers and bosses when everything seems to be going wrong. However, not making a decision can do more harm than good in the long run.
This article will explore the different factors to consider when making this decision and help you understand what you should do if you decide to stay in a toxic workplace.
5 Factors to Consider When Evaluating Whether or Not To Stay in a Toxic Work Environment
1. Does your job responsibility align with your workload?
If your boss asks you to do work that was not in the job description or asks you to put in extra hours every day or calls you in every weekend, you shouldn’t take this lightly.
Are you constantly being asked to do more work? Is it more than what you signed up for? It’s probably a sign that you have an unfair workload.
What to do in this situation?
You shouldn’t accept this. Either talk to the boss about this or switch to a different job. Remember, if you keep accepting the unreasonable orders of your manager, you’ll get stuck in a job that pays you very little for the work you do.
2. Does your workload impact your health?
Do you feel like you’re always being pushed to the limit? Do you feel lethargic and stressed? If the answer is yes, you might want to think about making a change.
Working in a toxic work environment can result in cognitive weariness, physical exhaustion, and fatigue.
Remember, putting in more than 40 hours a week continuously means you’ll get burnout. If you’re constantly being pressured to work overtime and are not getting paid for the hours you’re putting in, you can’t afford to stay in this situation. You should understand that not all jobs are designed to be that demanding.
What to do in this situation?
Some jobs require long hours and hard work. However, companies typically pay well for these jobs. If your workload is causing you to become physically or mentally exhausted, it’s time to take a step back. Either ask for a promotion or start hunting for better-paying jobs with lesser responsibilities.
3. Is your work undervalued?
Another very concerning factor associated with a toxic work environment is that your work is not being valued.
No matter how many all-nighters you pull and how many times you go out of your way to get the job done, you’ll never get a pat on the back or a even few words of appreciation.
What to do in this situation?
This kind of boss lacks empathy and doesn’t understand that it makes the employee’s day if he/she hears words of appreciation from their superior. You can try talking to your boss about this, but they may not change.
4. Do you feel productive and motivated?
This is a major red flag if you’re feeling unmotivated and not productive at work. It means that you’re not being treated like a valuable asset. You might be given the work to do, but you’re being told that you’re just doing it because you have to.
You’ll find yourself wasting hours upon hours of time on something that you don’t care about. It’s very difficult to stay motivated when you feel like you’re being taken advantage of.
What to do in this situation?
This depends on you. If you can compromise on things and don’t want to get ahead in life, you can just stay in your current workplace.
But if you’re someone who values him/herself and won’t be taken advantage of, you should either look for a new job or ask for a transfer to another branch.
5. How do you feel about your job?
Lastly, do you believe you still have a job you’d like to keep after all the negative things about your workplace environment? Ask yourself these questions.
- Do you feel satisfied with your current job?
- Are you sleeping peacefully at night…or laying awake thinking about work?
- Do you enjoy the work that you do?
- Is your workload reasonable?
- Is your rate of pay reasonable?
- Do you have a boss and co-workers that treat you well?
These questions are important because they will help you decide whether or not you should stay in your current situation.
What to do in this situation?
If you’re unhappy, you might want to consider taking action before you feel too frustrated to continue. This could mean finding a new job, applying for a new position, or even asking for a transfer to a different branch or department.
Decide before the toxicity of your workplace causes burnout.
It can be tough to leave a toxic work environment, but getting a fresh start is always worth it. With the points above, you’ll be in a better position to decide if staying or leaving is right for you.
Remember that your feelings about your job may change over time. Therefore, it’s important to continue asking yourself these questions at least once every year.