Why Your Diet Affects Your Success

by / ⠀Career Advice / September 5, 2022

Did you know that the foods you eat can have a factor in how we feel and how productive we are? As you eat the right kinds of food, this can lead to more success in your career. So today, we will be talking about how your diet affects your success and your performance.

It’s easy to notice how food affects your day.

For instance, think back to when you ate a heavy lunch and took a nap afterward. You didn’t get much done. Instead, you should have had a lighter lunch so that you can be more productive. The food you eat during your day can determine your productivity. But, it is also the long-term effects it can have on you.

Food has a factor in your health.

While we are still learning every day, we do know that having a healthy diet allows you to have a healthy immune system. It also helps lower your chances of developing health issues down the line. Plus, it can be anything from cancer to heart or blood problems.

Be more aware of the foods you eat.

If reading this started to make you conscious about your food intake then recognizing that is the first step. The next step is to get a food journal. Every day, write down what you eat. How this helps is that it makes you more aware of what you are eating. For example, if you are snacking on some ice cream, remember, you have to write that down. Knowing that you have to write out all the unhealthy food you eat can give you insight into your diet and how to improve it.

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Improving Your Diet

Have a good breakfast.

How many times have you woken up for work or school and just grabbed a piece of fruit or cereal bar? Or no breakfast at all. You probably have heard the famous saying that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and that holds a lot of truth.

Get up earlier and make time to have a sit-down breakfast meal. The metabolism within you has slowed and needs the proper fuel to get you energetic and productive for the day.

Eat whole foods as they are better for your digestion and they take longer to digest. Consider the following breakfast items:

  • Natural Yogurt with Honey
  • Wholegrain Cereal
  • Wheat Toast
  • Boiled/Poached Egg

Food to have for lunch.

Lunchtime is always nice. You get a break from work and have time for yourself. Whether you eat with friends, alone, in your car, or out to eat, what you eat is still important. Your lunch diet affects your success throughout the rest of the day to keep your mind on the tasks at hand.

Avoid fast food if you can as that will make you less productive for when the long hours of the afternoon hit. Not to mention that eating healthier can be more expensive. Instead, save your money by avoiding fast food and snacks and pick up something healthy.

Or, save money by making something at home. A meal made from scratch often tastes better knowing that you made it and that it’s healthy.

Consider the following items for your lunch like a delicious salad:

  • Artichokes
  • Chickpeas
  • Kidney Beans
  • Radishes
  • Mixed Greens
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Get exercise when on your break.

While having a healthy meal is a great way to continue your day, you still aren’t done yet. You may still have a good 20-30 minutes left from your break. Take a walk around the block a couple of times. This will help loosen up the joints and make you more energetic and focused.

But, your lunch break is not the only time you have to exercise. Do some in the morning or after work. If you had a bad day at work, then exercise is a good way to release that pent-up energy. You can expel the negative energy in a positive way. At work, get up and walk around every so often. Take the stairs rather than the elevator. Not to mention that there are so many ways to exercise:

  • Cycling
  • Walking
  • Running/Jogging
  • Swimming
  • Playing Sports

The importance of drinking water during the day.

Regardless of where you work, you can get dehydrated. We are made up of over 70% of water and a lot of that can be lost from sweating or using the restroom. Our bodies need water to keep our cells fresh.

Avoid energy drinks, soda, and artificial sweeteners as it is not good for you in large quantities. Instead, have water or fruit juice. Another way to hydrate yourself is to eat fruit as a lot of it is made of water, thus hydrating you.


There are many ways that diets can affect us. For better or for worse. It is up to you to have the willpower to eat healthier and exercise. Diet affects your success, so taking on that healthy routine will make you more successful at your job and in your life.

About The Author

Tristan Anderson

Hello! My name is Tristan Anderson and I live in Manhattan, Kansas. I enjoy being in nature and animals. I am also a huge geek who loves Star Wars and has a growing collection.


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