You Can’t Possibly Know Business If You’re Under 30

by / ⠀Personal Branding Startup Advice / July 27, 2010

screw emI’m 38-years-old. I’ve been working on the Web for over 15-years now, so well before I turned thirty. Now, that makes me the old guy in the young business, which is great, I have more experience than most everyone, and I’m not even forty yet. Tell me what other industry you can be in and that can happen? I love the Web.

But everyone starts somewhere, and it’s usually before they turn thirty. Here’s what I know from experience. You don’t really start to get business respect until you cross the thirty line. Sure, plenty of successful entrepreneurs have made billions and thousands and thousands of companies have been started by people under thirty. That’s not the point.

In the “regular” world, you know, the real world outside this fun little Web business world we live in, there is an awful lot of bias and lack of respect for people under thirty. I lived it, I know. I think it stems from the old school thinking that you can’t possible know business if you haven’t lived it long enough. Or, perhaps, some people are simply jealous that you are able to accomplish things that they themselves couldn’t do that fast. Yep, they had to pay their dues, so why shouldn’t you?

So as a 20-something, or younger, business person, how in the world do you get the respect of someone who resents your success? The answer is easy.

Screw ’em

Times have changed. No, wait. The world has changed. The barriers of entry are lower than they ever have been. There has never been a greater time in the history of the world to go out and build a business or brand for yourself and make it a huge success without having to spend millions on advertising and years of struggle to make a name for yourself.

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Sure, the old school business people are going to dislike you for that, but why do you care? Your passion is what is going to take you to the top of the heap faster than they could ever imagine.

And here’s the beauty part. You have plenty of time to fail.

Oh, and you will fail, a lot. But it doesn’t matter because you’re starting out early. Imagine the 60-something executive who decides to finally quit that corporate job and start her own business. There’s not a heck of a lot of time left for them to make mistakes, and if you’re scared to make mistakes, you’re never going to be able to reach the highest goals.

So get out there and don’t worry about those that will try to convince you that your age matters. It doesn’t. The time is now to make your move, no matter what age you are. Go for it, or risk ending up as one of those people who thought that “paying dues” was something everyone has to do.

For over 15-years, Jim Kukral has helped small businesses and large companies like Fedex, Sherwin Williams, Ernst & Young and Progressive Auto Insurance understand how find success on the Web. Jim is the author of the book, “Attention! This Book Will Make You Money”, as well as a professional speaker, blogger and Web business consultant. Find out more by visiting You can also follow Jim on Twitter @JimKukral.

About The Author

Matt Wilson

Matt Wilson is Co-Founder of Under30Experiences, a travel company for young people ages 21-35. He is the original Co-founder of Under30CEO (Acquired 2016). Matt is the Host of the Live Different Podcast and has 50+ Five Star iTunes Ratings on Health, Fitness, Business and Travel. He brings a unique, uncensored approach to his interviews and writing. His work is published on, Forbes, Inc. Magazine, Huffington Post, Reuters, and many others. Matt hosts yoga and fitness retreats in his free time and buys all his food from an organic farm in the jungle of Costa Rica where he lives. He is a shareholder of the Green Bay Packers.


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